September 2015 Moms

Prenatal vitamin trouble?!

So, I'm pregnant for the first time (12 wk 5 days) and I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins because they make me feel extremely sick, I honestly can't handle taking them. I have bad nausea anyways. Should I be ok or are there any good prenatals?

Re: Prenatal vitamin trouble?!

  • Well maybe u should of ask ur obgyn to see if they can give u something that would work w u n would not make u sick...
    Prenatal vitamins are very important for u to take them the baby takes a lot from u so just see what can they do... Hope u feel better good luck :)
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  • I feel the same way and I am taking the vita fusion gummies. I've tried taking them at different times of the day, after I eat, on a full stomach, they still make me feel awful. It sucks
  • My friend took a shake that had lots of vitamins in it. I would check into it.
  • Gummys have always been my go too :)
  • The gummies are all I can stomach too
  • I switched to New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, purchased on amazon, and its amazing. No sickness and it has a probiotic built in.
    Me (27) & Hubby (40): 1/22/11
    EDD of 1st: 9/11/15
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  • I take the gummy ones, my first pregnancy the doc told me to take the flinstone chewables since I couldn't swallow the pills. In both cases though the doc said to take them and if you throw them up just take one more and stop for the day. Some ppl are just too sick in the beginning to stress about it.
  • Benny618 said:

    Try vita gummies by vita fusion. They really taste good

    Agreed! I'm taking the vita-fusion prenatal gummies and they are yummy and don't make me sick! Give them a try, all other prenatals made me sick as well so I couldn't handle them.
  • First pregnancy was so bad I took vita gummies. I am another who swears by them.
  • When I was horribly sick I took the Vita Fusion ones, I switched back as soon as I could stomach my normal ones. I have to make sure I take them with something in my stomach, and always eat after. I have heard of ladies freezing them if they are the gel type & for what ever reason it makes it alittle easier & reduces the vitamin burps.
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  • Try a food based prenatal, they're supposed to be easier on you since you can take them even on an empty stomach and they shouldn't make you sick like a synthetic vitamin would. I take the Rainbow Light Prenatal One and they don't upset me at all.
  • @jyoga87 Yes! The new chapter perfect prenatal have never made me sick and are great because they are food based.
  • Same here. I can take them but its been making me so incredibly constipated its awful
  • I started taking them right before bed and that really helped me. I wake up really sick sometimes, but I found that if I am not moving it's better. 
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  • I take Rainbow Light Prenatal One. It's food-based and natural and doesn't make me sick at all. The only thing is it's a little big so I cut it in half.
  • I agree with previous poster, rainbow light prenatal one has been great for me. I do take it at night though since I take other vitamins during the day.
  • I also take Rainbow Light Prenatal One and haven't had any issues. They're gentle on your stomach (whereas a lot of pills with iron aren't), and they're vegan and food-based and don't contain all those unnecessary additives and fillers that other pills do. Plus I know they work since I've been taking them for over two years just to get my iron levels up since I have low iron, and my iron levels have improved immensely. They are a larger pill, so if you have trouble swallowing you could cut it in half. I always take mine right after dinner or right before bed and have never had problems. Just make sure you're taking some form of pre-natal ... it's very important for the baby!
  • crys6crys6 member
    Garden of life My Kind Organic prenatal is also a food based prenatal with ginger included to soothe tummy

  • Try one that has a lot of B6 and B12, those vitamins are very good for nausea. I have barely felt sick since I started taking mine.
  • I started out with the Vita Fusion Gummies. They ended up making me incredibly sick, no matter what time of day. I started taking Flintstone vitamins so that I had some sort of nutrients. They eventually made me sick also. Now I take NaturalMade prenatal multi+ DHA. One pull a day. It's a relatively large pill, but they don't make me sick at all.
  • My prenatal is a 3 a day (annoying to take it so often but it seems like the 1 a days can sometimes bother some people). So maybe if you were using a 1 a day a 3 a day might help? Mine is also a vegetarian one (it is the whole foods brand prenatal). I haven't had any prob with it. Every body is dif but may be worth a try! Hope you find something that helps! 
  • Natabear said:

    Try a food based prenatal, they're supposed to be easier on you since you can take them even on an empty stomach and they shouldn't make you sick like a synthetic vitamin would. I take the Rainbow Light Prenatal One and they don't upset me at all.

    Yes I agree except for one thing!!! They made me stinky! Lol!!! My sweat and urine were awful! I couldn't take it. I switched to the gummy ones too
  • I was taking the RainbowLight as well until I ran out and walgreens didn't have them. I really liked them and they have ginger in them which helps soothe the stomach and prevent neasua.
  • I have problems with vitamins too. I've tried the gummies too. I have had awful nausea so they are just hard to get down and don't always sit well. I don't stress myself over it. If I'm feeling ok I try to take it. If I'm feeling awful I don't. I just tell myself people have been having babies since the beginning of time and they haven't always had vitamins! It's hard. We just have to try our best!
  • I go with mega foods baby and me never have tummy troubles with them
  • I switched to taking them before bed and it made all the difference
  • My midwife said during this first trimester if I am too sick to take my vitamins it is ok. She wants me to at least take folic acid though. Just make sure once you are feeling better you start taking them again.
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  • The gummies are a bit easier to handle, and also your OB might have some other options. The ones I take sometimes- not always, but really most of the time- make me vomit after I take them. BUT I've noticed that if I take them at night before I lay down I don't have as much trouble.
  • Go to a health food store they should have good ones there
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