September 2015 Moms

"FDA warns against 3-D 'keepsake' ultrasounds"

I had this sent to me today by a family member. I just thought I'd share it with you guys and get your thoughts?

It's definitely something to consider but I don't think 3D ultrasounds by non-medical personnel are necessarily harmful? I'm not planning on getting one anyways but thought you ladies might be interested.

"FDA warns against 3-D 'keepsake' ultrasounds"

Re: "FDA warns against 3-D 'keepsake' ultrasounds"

  • Thanks for sharing.
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  • I don't know if I missed a link or if the link doesn't work right in mobile but all I got was the abstract.
    I think the point they're probably making is that people may use it as medical care instead of in addition to medical care.
    When I had one at a boutique with my first I had to have proof of medical care first, and had to sign things all over that said there was no medical diagnosis coming out of this scan. It was purely for fun.
    I'll be doing it again around 28 weeks because it was just so damn cool ;)
  • Yeah I found it interesting that the keepsake ultrasound specialist has to make sure that the woman is under the care of a physician before they'll proceed..what woman wouldn't see a doc throughout her whole pregnancy? I kinda got the same feeling as @slp213psu and I watched the video, doctors don't want you using it in place of medical ultrasounds and don't want you using it excessively because it heats up tissue around baby. I think balance is key!
  • @bpv101283 I hear you girl! I totally agree. I just thought some women on here would like to know more about some different views on these types of ultrasounds since I found the video interesting. But I personally don't think there's anything wrong with these ultrasounds at all.
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