September 2015 Moms

Anybody else RH negative

So I am RH negative and my husband is rh negative so we only can have an rh negative baby. Anyways that is what I read 100's of times on the internet. But the doctor still wants me to take the rhogam shot just in case the baby isn't my husbands which im 100% he is. I am not going to take it , I don't need anything unneccasery in my system.

Re: Anybody else RH negative

  • AmyW1112 said:

    I am Rh negative too. If my doctor told me that, I'd be finding a new doctor. That is incredibly offensive and presumptive. 

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  • namanningnamanning member
    edited March 2015
    I am also Rh negative. My parents are both Rh positive. They are both my legitimate parents. I don't know how it happens but it's possible. My DH and I are both Rh negative but I will still be getting the shot. That was however very disrespectful of your doctor to even insinuate that you wouldn't know who the dad is.
  • Husband is B+ where I am A-
    Shot will be necessary for us. But thats okay.
  • My sister didn't have to get it as her husband is negative as well. However, they didn't even ask me about my husband, my ob's practice just gives it to all negative mothers so I got it.
  • I got my first shot at 5w due to heavy bleeding and cramping, but my husband is postive mostly so is the baby. I hate it that I hear about you ladies with horrible ob stories, aren't they supposed to help and support you? Some people just shouldn't be caring for others if they're going to talk to you like that!
  • I'm O- and had cramping and they gave me RhrGAM at 5 weeks. I thought there's a recessive factor where the baby has a slim chance of being + even with both parents - ...? I'd definitely clarify if that's possible and that's why Dr is wanting you to get shot. Just my thoughts...

  • I got my first shot at 5w due to heavy bleeding and cramping, but my husband is postive mostly so is the baby. I hate it that I hear about you ladies with horrible ob stories, aren't they supposed to help and support you? Some people just shouldn't be caring for others if they're going to talk to you like that!

    I hope everything is ok sorry to hear about your bleeding and cramping.  If my husband was positive I'd have no problem taking the shot but he's not. My doctor said 15% of the time the baby comes and its not the husbands. You should have seen the stares my husband was giving me when the doctor was talking.
  • GeorgiaDottieGeorgiaDottie member
    edited March 2015
    First of all that is beyond rude of your doctor and I would either leave or speak to head of practice. Regarding Rh factor, If you are both negative it is not necessary to have the shot. However if there's a chance your husband is positive you will need a shot. I am O- which is rare and we don't know my husbands so he is getting his type tested. With my 2 prior miscarriages I received RH bc the initial concern was my husband was + and I was -. I will be getting the shot at week 26

    Can your hubby get his blood tested?

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • But seriously I can't believe a doctor would say that. Wow!

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • Also rh negative. Will be getting the shot at around 26 weeks.
  • I got the shot twice and I'm only 14 weeks. I am O- and I have had a lot of bleeding. It's just to protect your future pregnancies. You can never have too much but you can have too little. Better to be safe than sorry in my opinion. But it was very rude of your doctor to say that! I would be switching doctors!!
  • Wow, how incredibly rude of your doctor!!!!! I would still get it if your doctor thinks you need it, but only if they can give you a better reason than "The baby might not be your husbands." Wth!
  • I cannot believe your doctor said that!!! I mean, I can understand getting the shot not matter if DH is - or not, but that is just rude and unprofessional.

    I would still take it, but I would probably request a different doctor or start going to another office. That's just ridiculous.
  • I'm AB- and I'm not sure what my husband is but my ob is telling me I have to get the injection. I'd like to find out my husbands blood type just so there's a possibility that I wouldn't have to have the injections
  • @ashtyngange it's just 1 injection, not multiple!

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • romeror6198romeror6198 member
    edited March 2015
    I'm having to get a second shot around 28 weeks, you're supposed get them every 25 weeks or so. That's why you get another at the end of you pregnancy, al least thats what my ob's nurse told me.
  • I am O- , at my last Dr appointment they said they might take my husbands blood to see his blood type, although Dr. said they don't usually worry too much with the first baby, maybe just give you a shot after birth but it's the second baby they worry about more? Which sounds weird to me. We just found out from hubbys mom that he is O + ... Im going to mention it at my next appointment. Does this mean I need shots? I have no idea about this RH stuff!
  • I'm 0- and hubby is A+ so I already know I'll be getting the shot as well.
  • Both my husband and I are Rh negative as well. This is my 3rd pregnancy and haven't hade the shot. Both my children were blood typed in the hospital in case the RARE chance they were positive. They are both negative as well. If they were positive then I would have had the shot. I'd get a second opinion as it is a blood product and if it isn't necessary then I wouldn't do it.
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