September 2015 Moms

gestational diabetes

Do any of you ladies have gestational diabetes?

Re: gestational diabetes

  • I had it with my first child, the doctor tested me early but I didn't have it. He says I will probably end up getting it again later on, so I will get screened again at 6 months. I was able to control my gestational diabetes with diet, wasn't so bad actually. My son was born completely healthy and my diabetes went away as soon as he was born. Crazy how the body works.
  • I was borderline gestional with my first pregnancy. I could never get my morning resting rate below 95. Mine would be 100 to 110. So nothing serious. But my doctor is super cconservative so he treated me as gestational. It was good and bad. I never felt my baby was at risk. I ate healthier. No late night ice cream like you hear moms talk about. And I didn't gain a lot of weight. My baby was healthy and did not have diabetes. He's s healthy 4 year old boy now. I'm already trying to control my diet just in case I get diagnosed again. Have you been diagnosed with it?
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  • I already had one glucose test cause they said my blood sugar was high on a different blood test. After the 2 hour blood test they got back to me and let me know I don't have pre existing or gestational diabetes. But I'm sure they will check again later on in my pregnancy and it is still possible to get it I'm sure.
  • I am taking hydrocortisone, which I hear puts me at greater risk for having it. I won't find out until I take the glucose test though. I believe that is around 26 weeks or so and I am only at week 14. Is there anything I can be doing now to try and prevent that from happening?
  • ktbkittenktbkitten member
    edited March 2015
    I got told today that I am at a higher risk for it because I have hypothyroidism and I am a little over weight. I have to admit I was almost offended when the NT scan specialist told me that. I know that no one wants it and I am glad that are going to keep an eye on it but is still made me mad. I just felt fat.  I am healthier than he probably assumes I am, I just don't lose weight ever! This is the first time that weight has actually come off without tons and tons of effort.  :((
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  • Yes, there are some things that put some women at a higher risk to get it, but it really isn't something that you can control or stop from happening. It just has to do with how the placenta processes sugars. If you get it, don't feel like you did something wrong! You basically just have to follow a diet that has a certain number of carbs and proteins per meal/snack and check your blood sugar 4 times a day. I had it last pregnancy and, though it stunk not being able to eat ALL the fun summer foods, I know I had a healthier pregnancy because I was following the diet. My son was born a healthy 7-lbs. even and my GD went away as soon as I delivered. 
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