September 2015 Moms


Just wondering if anyone else has had lots of pressure (cervix or just generally "down there") I had a cerclage done 2weeks ago due to incompetent cervix and I've been back to work this week. Yesterday and today I've noticed quite a but of increased pressure and discomfort (can't really say pain) especially at night after I've been active all day. I guess I am just wondering if this is normal or due to my cervix issue? Not sure if this is my cue to slow down or just something I'll have to get used to. Anyone else's experience would be great!

Re: pressure...?

  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    I'm not personally feeling pressure, no. It definitely could be a cue to slow down. Can you modify your work so you're not doing anything to put added pressure on that cerclage/cervix?
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  • My situation may be different (I had no idea what a cerclage is). I can tell you though that the last day or so I have been feeling extra pressure and tightness. I recall feeling this when I was pregnant with my son as my body was stretching to accommodate baby :) it sounds normal to me, but hopefully someone with the same experience can weigh in too!
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  • I've been feeling a lot of pressure lately. I can't compare it to my last pregnancy because this one has totally been different. The pressure isn't exactly around my cervix though. It just feels heavy around the bottom of where the hard stop is on my stomach. I read that the uterus will be moving up past the pelvic bones or something, so I've been attributing it to that. I just feel heavy. Still might be worth slowing down a little and bringing it up with your doctor. 
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