September 2015 Moms

Spotting at 12 weeks 6days

yesterday right before my ultrasound I had some brown discahrge when I wiped, ultrasound looks good saw the baby kick and heart beat was 170bpm, today it's been off and on and very light and had a drs and the heart beat was 174bpm! Just wondering if anyone else had this? I'm 13 weeks tomorrow

Re: Spotting at 12 weeks 6days

  • pwolfpwolf member
    Yes! I spotted on and off since 4 weeks. It stopped completely for 2 weeks and then I had it again at 13 weeks. So annoying!
  • Yes I am 13wks and last night I spotted quite a bit so my dr got me in for an ultrasound and found a tiny subchorionic hematoma just gotta take it easy
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  • I spotted last week for the first time at 13 weeks 3 days. I got an ultrasound and everything was OK, no explanation. It happened to my friend around the same time as well. It actually sounds somewhat common.
  • I just posted a similar post. I'm 13 weeks today. I had a great appt, positive exam and ultrasound on Tuesday. Today I woke up with brown spotting. Its died off throughout the day.....but so scary. Heard the heartbeat again today, so that was a relief. Just scared, I miscarried a year ago, so overly anxious. Just needed to know I'm not alone I guess! You all doing anything to prevent spotting?
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