i went to the dr on Monday for my monthly appt. I told her for two days then I was having horrible lower back and abdominal pain. Between pain and cramping. She listened to the heartbeat checked everything out and said looks good and give me an antibiotic for what she thought could be a bladder infection
Fast forward to today. I called bc I'm still have the constant pain and cramping in my lower groin. Mostly when I sit. It's very dull but uncomfortable. I called the office to find out the results. An office personnel called me and said results were fine. But to go to triage if I am still having pain 4xs. An he I tried explaining that it was dull and just annoying but I can't count bc it just there.
No help at all. And I'm pissed that they didn't call to tell me to stop antibiotics. I just don't know what to do
Re: Annoyed at Drs Office