September 2015 Moms

I can't do it.

edited March 2015 in September 2015 Moms
I love my fiancé. I do. But his heavy breathing and snoring are driving me crazy and keeping me up. We have been living together for 3 years and it was never a problem before I became pregnant. I want to shove a pillow on his face...just kidding!!!!!! But right now I'm dying for him to wake up just so I can get like 20 min of sleep. Also I had this awesome breastfeeding dream where I had no problems with feeding my baby and I even fed all of my friends babies....I know it's crazy. But he woke me up from that with his breathing!!!!! I was pissed. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Re: I can't do it.

  • It's hormones. I've been more irritated with my DH than normal. I hope they calm down when we make it to that wonderful 2nd trimester!! 
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  • Haha what a weird dream! It would be easy to say you should set up a couch/guest bed/something so that one of you can go sleep there on nights like this, and I'd say go for it if it works for you! Truthfully, I'm a weenie, and I couldn't contently sleep separate from my SO. I do however give him a quick jab or say his name loud (he's a crazy heavy sleeper), and it's usually enough to get him into a light enough sleep that I can start to snooze. Awful, I know! But sometimes a lady's gotta do what a lady's gotta do!
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  • barrelocarolbarrelocarol member
    edited March 2015
    When I met my husband, I pinched the bridge of his nose while he was asleep. It TOTALLY works, but has the potential of freaking him out :P
  • A swift kick or two usually does the trick for me!
  • Oh my word! My husbands snoring has either gotten worse or I'm just noticing it more because my sleep is so poor. To make matters worse, I have awful insomnia and take forever to fall asleep and he is asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow so I have to listen to it for an hour + trying to tell asleep. I'll hit or kick him or roll him over but it only helps for a second if that.

    Then in the morning he has 2 alarm clocks that go off at varying times for like 30-40 mins. One goes off, he hits snooze and goes back to bed. The next goes off a minute later, snooze and back in bed. Rinse repeat for a freaking half hour!! I'm wide awake by the second alarm....his crappy sleeping habits are gonna be the death of me!
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  • I nudge the poor man all night. I feel terrible. I really don't want to move into the the guest room to sleep but i think that's where it's headed. Iv tried so many different ear plugs but I don't like how they feel. I used to love sleeping with him.
  • A swift kick or two usually does the trick for me!

    Does for me well
  • Glad I'm not the only one having the same issue I-)
  • But his heavy breathing and snoring are driving me crazy and keeping me up. We have been living together for 3 years and it was never a problem before I became pregnant. 

    WOW! Dealing with the same thing! My husband is SO LOUD! I feel like I'm gently nudging him all night! Have they always snored like this or is our hearing super sensitive at the moment?
  • I usually rub DH'S back and he stops snoring.
  • Ear plugs! I asleep wIth them every night!
  • I just nudge him till he stops. I really hate sleeping away from him even though he is a beast snoring machine.
  • I tickle his arm or rub his back just to make him move and change his breathing and don't get me started on the "starfish" position he has adapted lately...he's 6ft4, hes not exactly a dainty Starfish!!!
  • We're in same situation at our house, except I'm the one snoring. :)
    Last night hubby woke me up asking rather loudly where he could find an additional blanket, so he could go sleep on the couch. Apparently I was talking to him one minute and the next I was snoring. He said he made the decision to move to the couch when our son started crying and he couldn't hear him over my snoring. I'm a real treat when I'm pregnant. Thank goodness he loves me anyways!
  • Years ago my DH snoring would keep me awake so I put my hand on his chest and it helped.
    You could also plug in some earphones, put soothing music and drift away like that.
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  • kzangs15kzangs15 member
    edited March 2015
  • My DH does this too and I make him roll over on his side or push him. Has anyone tried those breath right strips that are supposed to help with snoring??? I have thought about making DH wear them, but I question whether they really work.
  • Hahaa I love this! My SO snores really loudly too. I usually rub his back for a minute and he stops. If it's really becoming a problem though maybe you could get some ear plugs to try? I used to wear them way back when I had to share a room with my sister growing up (she can out snore any man poor thing!) and they worked great! Just a thought. Hope you get some sleep soon!
  • My boyfriend doesn't snore but his hot breath in my face really irritates me. We're probably going to have to switch sides of the bed soon so I can keep sleeping on my left side without ever having that in my face haha. Plus, that's the side closer to the door, and I'm up at least 2x every night to pee. Not gonna lie, when he rolls over in the middle of the night to snuggle me, I push him off :)
  • Silicon earplugs! They might take a little getting used to, but they are seriously a lifesaver!
  • Gurl let me tell ya! My DH has severe sleep apnea and for 2 years before we were married he slept on the couch because I just couldn't take it anymore. After he proposed I told him I couldn't marry him until he got sleep apnea treatment because I couldn't go on not sharing a bed with him. He now has slept with a CPap machine for 5 yrs which has saved us tremendously. However, if he drinks heavily (or just really tired) he can snore right on through the cpap. The struggle is REAL with this one! The main thing I've found that helps is he typically stops if I make him roll over on his left side. I found this info after researching sleep apnea extensively for years now. There's something about the left side that opens the airway. Maybe nudge him to roll over if he's on his back. I obviously don't know how severe his is but it just may work! At least long enough you might can fall asleep.

    My worst fear has always been he will stop breathing completely one night. Ahhh! Good luck girl!
  • DH is usually quiet at night unless he's had a couple of beers and then it sounds like there is a bear sleeping in our bed; it's so bad I can hear him down the hallway. And kicking him only shuts the snoring up for like 30 sec which is not enough time for me to fall asleep, especially when I'm pissed at him for keeping me awake. I started using ear plugs a few years ago and it took a while, but I got used to them and now I use them whenever he is out with his buddies. 

    Also gets up at 4:50 am for work and likes to hit the snooze button a few times before getting up, so I started kicking him awake and he quit doing that. One time though, his alarm kept going off at like 2 am or some awful, ungodly hour and he was too drunk to shut it off (he kept hitting the snooze), I was so mad that I unplugged the damn thing and chucked it out the back door.
  • I, unfortunately (or fortunately?), can't relate to this post cause my DH doesn't snore..... But apparently I do and DH is so sweet about it. He's always been a light sleeper and my snoring (or breathing loudly) doesn't wake him up but if he's already awake, it will delay him from falling back asleep. I've told him a million times to just nudge me and make me roll over (which he has done maybe a handful of times in the 10 years we've known each other) but most of the time he thinks he'll wake me up and I won't be able to go back to sleep (which would never be the case cause I have no issues sleeping) so he just let's me be. How can I not love him?!
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