September 2015 Moms

Is anyone itching all over

I been itching all over for the pass two week i been putting on the itchin cream idk what else to do I'm 10wk

Re: Is anyone itching all over

  • sometimes I do I take a bath and moisturizing lotion
  • Yuuuuup. Aveeno/oatmeal lotion did the trick for me. :)
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  • Yep. I'm trying to drink more water but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm hoping warmer weather will soon help.
  • @ugaldegabriela, mention it to your doctor or midwife.  Maybe it's just dry skin and hopefully no big deal, but there are some complications that you can have if you are really itchy (especially on your palms).  Just to be on the safe side...
    Laura, mom of:
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    William (13)
    Elise (11)
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  • Yes!! I'm 14 weeks and have been having that issue for over a month. It's really bad on my back at night when I get in bed. Drives me crazy!
  • I've been itching like crazy for about 6 weeks, it's actually subsided a bit the past couple days, I've never had this before and I'm on my fifth baby. It's simply driving me crazy...I was hoping I wasn't going crazy but I appear to be a bug infested maniac!! I feel your pain.
  • Drink more water, take cool showers, and use coconut oil as your moisturizer after your shower. Try not to scratch, it makes stretch marks worse. Hang in there!!
  • feel your pain! i get really itchy legs, i moisturize lots! seems to help but not take away all the itch :) im going to try the coconut oil as @mrscaterosales suggested! 
  • Just a little coconut oil goes a long way and I haven't had any itching or dryness since I started using it. Worth a shot!
  • Itchy nipples! :(
  • I've had the simultaneous combo of itchy/painful nipples. It's about as convenient as it sounds.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Me too!! I was itching my legs while opening this post! I use a lot of lotion, but it only does so much. 
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  • Ugh the nipples!
  • My boobs... Ugh so annoying, especially when out in public!
  • I thought I was the only one with he itch lol.... my skin was terribly itching all over for weeks
  • Yes! My ankles and up my legs. So annoying. I've been using vitamin E cream which helps some. I may try the coconut oil
  • v1wwov1wwo member
    Switching to moisturizing body wash has really helped me. And I have scrub all the dead skin away.
  • Ooh I'm not alone!! I thought it was maybe from not shaving, or my animals which was never a problem before. It's great to find out this is normal.
  • kjs08kjs08 member
    My chest, back and lower legs have been super itchy, but don't look dry. I've been putting lotion on regardless and that doesn't always seem to help. I'm hoping the warmer weather will. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • pwolfpwolf member
    I have!! I switched to aveno baby wash and lotion. The scent free oatmeal one. Mine is also chest, back and bottom of my legs. So weird because this didn't happen with my first two pregnancies. I take Benadryl if it gets too bad.
  • I only itch in awkward, hard to itch spots!

    Boobs, elbows, ankles...for like 8 vicious hours...then it migrates.

    This baby...
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