September 2015 Moms

My employer is not happy that I am pregnant

I work a high stress and labor intensive job. I told my boss that I was pregnant before I had planned to because some of my co-workers already suspected that I was. My boss reacted exactly how I expected.....very little enthusiasm and a lot of concern about how it was going to affect my job. I'm trying to keep up the pace and talk about my pregnancy as little as possible because every time I do I feel shamed by my boss. This is getting unbearable and I am really struggling. Thoughts or opinion????

Re: My employer is not happy that I am pregnant

  • Sorry you have to deal with this. What exactly do you do? In the end you do what is best for your pregnancy. Not what's best for the boss. Is there another position that's available if you need to? I am lucky enough to be a medical assistant in my OB clinic so my boss is very understandable.
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  • Do you have an HR department? You may want to let them know in case something comes up.
    *Siggy Warning*


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  • I am a dog groomer and am currently working for a small owned business. I'm not sure if there is an hr department. I am currently trying to find another job but feel like my window of opportunity is running out due to the fact that I am starting to show.
  • Hmm. Im confused. How does being pregnant interfere with being a dog groomer? Lots of pregnant woman are hair dressers, vets, nurses, etc and it's OK. Now I really think your boss is ridiculous! Is she just worried about the maternity leave part? There's lots of time until then to figure out a solution.
  • @heidi3189 I am a dog groomer too. I had to quit my grooming job because of really intense hg (morning sickness). But before I even started getting sick, I knew I'd have to leave the current shop I was at because I worked alone half of my days (11 hours a day 5-6 days a week). And most of the clientele was large dogs (70+ pounds). I told the owner I'd need a weight restriction and she basically told me she didn't want me working there if I was pregnant. The grooming industry is sooooo effed up girl... I'm guessing you're probably registered illegally as an Independent Contractor too..Therefore you have no rights as an employee.. Sketchy damn industry girl. I'm going to school for something less backhanded once I have this baby. The whole industry is going down the drain. You either gotta have your own shop, or deal with crap like this. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
  • My sister is a dog groomer and it's some hard physical work! And her bosses always expect a lot from their employees and work them SO hard too! She's worked for 4 different shops and they're all the same. I agree with @shaunnarose that you pretty much have to deal with it or quit. Most of those shops (hopefully not all of them) don't have much protection for the individual. She's an employee on payroll and there still is very limited protection for her. She works with two pregnant girls right now that just power through. Basically if you don't have pregnancy complications, they work you as hard as the next person. That's her experience anyway that she has shared. I'm sorry you're going through this at all!
  • Geez! I had no idea dog grooming was like this! I had this impression that it was fun and laid back! Doesn't sound fun at all!!
  • ^HA! Love this.
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  • kjs08kjs08 member
    I'm sorry you're going through this. Could you put a ramp or stairs in to get the dogs into the tubs or on the tables? It sounds like your employer is an ass and is trying to push you out. @viwwo I love your idea! You know they'll come back after baby if they're treated well too
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Based on what @shaunnarose said dog grooming deserves a show on TLC or something.
    Married May 2012
    BFP 1/20/15 Baby boy due September 25!
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  • Thank you so much for your input. @shaunnarose I know exactly what you are talking about. It's a rough career anyways but I especially feel vulnerable now that I am pregnant. I trooped through it with my first pregnancy but I was at a corporate company that worked with me quite a bit. My current employer has made it clear that I will not be receiving any special treatment. With how early in this pregnancy I am staying as productive as always but there are times when I get overwhelmed and worry. This is actually my second pregnancy at this shop but the last one ended in miscarriage. I do love what I do but I also need sensitivity regarding my pregnancy.
  • Also I am sorry that you ended up having to quit your job. I hope that everything is working out for you. The last thing that you anticipate when having a child (which is such an exciting time) is losing your job or having people devalue you. It's so pathetic that this still happens. It's not like we are useless. We just need time and patience.
  • @heidi3189 Thanks girl. I'm doing fine. Baby is healthy and that's what's getting me through all the bull lol. My DF wanted me to stay home for an extended period after baby anyway so financially we're making it but I was hoping on saving some money before having to take pregnancy leave. Ohh well, everything happens for a reason :);) . We'll both be ok!!! The world sucks sometimes but everything works out in the end. I hope everything gets easier for you soon!! It's a really crappy situation that can be super stressful. But try to stay positive :D
  • So glad to hear that you are doing well and have such a positive attitude. You are so right about everything happening for a reason. Thanks again for your support.
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