September 2015 Moms

Apparently I'm eating a turkey sandwich tomorrow!

Just came across this ad in Parents magazine... I have been craving a turkey lettuce and mayo sandwich so badly, I practically licked the page. I'm going to ask my doc of its legit/safe at my next appt! Rejoice! Lol.

BFP#1: 6.21.11 - DD born 3.6.12
BFP#2: 10.27.13 - Chemical Pregnancy
BFP#3: 5.27.14 - EDD 2.6.15 - MMC diagnosed at 8w3d - D&C 7.7.14
BFP#4: 1.9.15 - EDD 9.21.15 -  Praying for a sticky bean!

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Re: Apparently I'm eating a turkey sandwich tomorrow!

  • Uhmmmm PLEASE let me know what your doctor says cause I'd kill for a turkey sandwich lol
  • I've eaten turkey a few times. I do not eat the pre-packaged stuff. This was at a local sandwich shop. I haven't had any issues.
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  • Listeria is why you should avoid turkey, it has nothing to do with preservatives or pasteurization because it is a bacteria that can contaminate meat at the factory before or during the packaging process. You can eat whatever turkey you want as long as you heat it up to streaming first, that would kill any bacteria that managed to contaminate the meat. The advertisement seems to be indicating preservatives are bad for pregnant women, although they are not great, I haven't read anything about then making the baby sick like listeria.
  • And, never trust a product labeled as "natural" any company can post that on their labels without any regulations or restrictions, it helps them sell a product to a certain demographic but it actually means nothing when it comes to quality and ingredients.
  • The interesting thing about listeria is that the two most recent outbreaks in the US were from cantaloupe and Carmel apples.... So you can get it from other places than meat. But, safe practice is to hear your lunch meat prior to eating it.
  • Oh I'll eat turkey now and then, just heat it up to kill bacteria. A toasted subway sandwich is always on my list!!
  • I've baked a turkey breast just for Sammich meat!!mmmmm
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  • My dr said deli meat was fine, even cold, if it comes from a place you trust and is fresh. I've definitely cut way back, but when I'm craving one, I just pick up some turkey from the deli counter and eat it that day. Like PP said most recent cases haven't even been from deli meat. As with anything, moderation and a little caution go a long way.
  • With my first pregnancy I was so careful about deli meat, this one I've had about 4 turkey sandwiches! And they've stayed down unlike a lot of things I was eating. Definitely doesn't hurt to ask your doc but like pp said you could get listeria from other things.
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