My ds announced yesterday that HE had a baby in his tummy too. He said he was having a girl baby and I was having a kid baby (which I guess means boy lol). He said the baby's name was Gummy. He said the baby made him feel queasy and bad. lol
That's so funny. I have an almost 4 year old. Him and 2 year old went to my check up today he asked the midwife when she was listening to the heartbeat if she was going to open my belly up and then he told her he was going to have a baby in his belly when he gets bigger. Kids are so funny.
Max "i learned a beautiful song about space at school." Me "I would love to hear it!" Max "I can't now. When I'm a grown up." Me "ok when you're a grown up and I'm an old lady, you can sing it!" Max "but you're already an old lady!" *stunned silence* "no no mommy is a YOUNG LADY."
I was driving to my doctor appt about two weeks ago and my 3 year old ds said "mommy, do you want a boy a girl or a puppy?" Ha then at Church that Sunday someone asked him the same question and he told them he wanted a car!!!! I said well it better be a matchbox car then. This kid :-p then today he told my friend that I have five babies in my belly!
3 is such a fun age, challenging but they make up for it with the funny things they say! Mine will put his head on my belly and say, "it's laughing in there" then give my belly a kiss and runs off.
My daughter just turned 4. Lastnight she was looking at the M21 handout that had a fairly pregnant belly on it. She said that when I get that big the baby is going to rip out of my belly so that they can play.
The little boy that I nanny for is 2.5. He looks at me and says, "you have a baby in your belly, that is so silly"! Lol, it probably does seem silly at that age.
The absolute funniest kid talk I ever had was the SEX talk with my DS....
Me: Sex is when a man and a woman take their clothes off and stick their bodies together . DS: EWww that's gross!!!............I think I'll try it someday...when I'm like 19 or something.. Me: uhm.. You should probably wait until you're married. DS: well you didn't Me: (panicked!!) Uhm well that was an accident DS: YOU CAN HAVE SEX ON ACCIDENT!!????
These are so cute and funny ! My DS is 3 and and he joined me at our 13 week 1day ultrasound. He was sitting and watching the screen as the Dr mainly talked to him about the baby lol DS then tells me mommy I can't believe it I need my brother or sister now! He loved seeing the baby on the screen, And he tells me to get up and it's his turn to see his baby and lifted up his shirt lol!! He also kisses and hugs my belly first thing in the morning and tickles my tummy saying he is tickling the baby!
Before I knew the gender my 3 yr old DS told me that he wanted a little sister. A few weeks later we had this conversation DS: "Mommy, I changed my mind. I think I want a boy sister" Me: that's called a brother. DS: ok yeah well I want a brother Me: well baby we can't really choose. We get whatever God sends us DS: (speaking to my belly) I'll play with you even if you are a girl sister Lol. I love 3 yr olds
My daughter is only 21 months and is a little behind on speech due to some ear aches that have been hard to treat. So I haven't gotten any cute convos like this. Your children sound adorable! I bet talking to them is fun:)
My 4 y/O DS tried to use my handheld ultrasound machine to listen to the baby in his belly. Apparently he is having a little boy baby, and I am having a little girl baby, lol. Love their little imagination
My six year old Scarlett said she never ever wanted a baby in her tummy. I said that was certainly her choice but not a concern for many years. She said "GOOD. Because I don't think I could live off of slushies and Alligator Ices like you did with me. Babies make people eat weirdly."
My 27 month old believes he can speak to the baby through my belly button. He will come over, put a hand on either side of the belly button and get up close and say "hi baby. Do you want to wear a soccer ball shirt? And some socks?" Yesterday he also told me he has a baby in his tummy and his baby is big and mine is little. Ha!
As a FTM I don't have stories like these...but my dad cracked me up the other day...He points to the gin gins on the table and says "what are those?" I said they are candies to help with nausea. He said "I had one I thought it was regular candy.....I didn't think it was all that good"...I then asked him if his stomach felt any better after...haha
I told my 2 yr old daughter that I have a baby in my tummy and she quickly lifted my shirt and said "No, No baby!" Then she went and found her baby doll and tried to stick it under my shirt.
Only told my 3 year old yesterday. (At my second prenatal appointment), I'm 12 weeks. Basically because she's a blabber mouth.
Things she said since then: "The baby is a girl baby and we should name it silly." "Is the baby still in there?" (repeated a million times) - I am sure that one will get old "I can't eat until the baby gets out" "How did the baby get in there?"
Then I told her I had to pee really bad "When you pee will the baby come out?"
Oh and "I think the baby likes songs" while she was singing "Can I tickle the baby" I told her it's not nice to tickle little little babies, because if they don't like it, they can't move away. She would like to know if she can tickle other babies we know. 1 is just shy of 6 months, and the other is 15 months. Never mind she is incapable of tickling.
My daughter is only 21 months and is a little behind on speech due to some ear aches that have been hard to treat. So I haven't gotten any cute convos like this. Your children sound adorable! I bet talking to them is fun:)
My kid did not really talk until 2, and a year + later never stops chatting.
DS is 3.5. He told me the baby's name is Lamp, while looking at the lamp on his nightstand. Somehow, this has stuck. Now pretty much everyone calls the baby Lamp.
He wants a sister. He said this by yelling, "I want a baby that does NOT have a pee-nus!" I think he's slowly coming around to the idea that we can't choose whether the baby has a "pee-nus" or not.
Re: Wanna hear a 3 year old funny
Max "i learned a beautiful song about space at school."
Me "I would love to hear it!"
Max "I can't now. When I'm a grown up."
Me "ok when you're a grown up and I'm an old lady, you can sing it!"
Max "but you're already an old lady!"
*stunned silence* "no no mommy is a YOUNG LADY."
lol that is funny girls.
My ds also told me the baby got in my eye, went to my belly and will come out my foot.
Me: Sex is when a man and a woman take their clothes off and stick their bodies together .
DS: EWww that's gross!!!............I think I'll try it someday...when I'm like 19 or something..
Me: uhm.. You should probably wait until you're married.
DS: well you didn't
Me: (panicked!!) Uhm well that was an accident
He also kisses and hugs my belly first thing in the morning and tickles my tummy saying he is tickling the baby!
DS: "Mommy, I changed my mind. I think I want a boy sister"
Me: that's called a brother.
DS: ok yeah well I want a brother
Me: well baby we can't really choose. We get whatever God sends us
DS: (speaking to my belly) I'll play with you even if you are a girl sister
Lol. I love 3 yr olds
My six year old Scarlett said she never ever wanted a baby in her tummy. I said that was certainly her choice but not a concern for many years. She said "GOOD. Because I don't think I could live off of slushies and Alligator Ices like you did with me. Babies make people eat weirdly."
Things she said since then:
"The baby is a girl baby and we should name it silly."
"Is the baby still in there?" (repeated a million times) - I am sure that one will get old
"I can't eat until the baby gets out"
"How did the baby get in there?"
Then I told her I had to pee really bad
"When you pee will the baby come out?"
"Can I tickle the baby" I told her it's not nice to tickle little little babies, because if they don't like it, they can't move away. She would like to know if she can tickle other babies we know. 1 is just shy of 6 months, and the other is 15 months. Never mind she is incapable of tickling.
It'll happen when she's ready.
He wants a sister. He said this by yelling, "I want a baby that does NOT have a pee-nus!" I think he's slowly coming around to the idea that we can't choose whether the baby has a "pee-nus" or not.