September 2015 Moms

Fast Food Obsessed

Anyone else obsessed with fast food.  I mean, I think about it all the time.  Not sure if it is I just don't want to cook or what.  I didn't eat too much fast food before I got pregnant, but now it's always on my mind. 

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Re: Fast Food Obsessed

  • Haha I'm just about to order a takeaway for dinner, after having a McDonald's for breakfast!

    I've been cooking loads, but my back is crippling me, I end up cooking leaning on my work top lol.

    Tonight I fancy a Chinese.... With noodles....mmmmm yummy :-)

    Back to being healthy tomorrow :D
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  • lmao about the vegetarian thing.  How odd.  I'm a fairly healthy person until I get pregnant and then it just goes out the window.  I gained 70lbs last time and I swore it wouldn't happen again.  sigh.  At least due to breastfeeding I have always been able to lose all my pregnancy weight.

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  • Unfortunately I'm going through the same thing. It's weird though because I crave it, but two seconds later thinking about it makes me sick. The joys of pregnancy lol.
  • Yeah, I'm kind of like that too, think about it and then over it.

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  • I could eat French fries for every meal of the day. But trying to avoid it as much as possible don't want to gain too much
  • My boyfriend sometimes brings me fast food at work, and even if I've already eaten, or hadn't thought about it at all, I eat it like I haven't seen food in days. Yesterday was Del Taco. Mmmm.
  • All I want is Wendy's, but my SO is a chef and hates fast food. So I have to sneak it, but haven't had it since January. Which I guess is a good thing, lol.
  • I wish I could live off of just cake, ice cream and candy. Although the other night I had a serious craving for popeye's biscuits! Everyday is something different!

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  • I'm in the same boat. Before I was pregnant I never ate fast food, now all I want is fast food. I've been craving Taco Bell all day and I think the last time I ate there was like 15 years ago LOL
  • Yes! If I could go swimming in a pool of sonic tater tots right now...I would
  • mmm after reading this i really want some Taco Bell!!! 
  • I haven't done so little cooking in....well, EVER! And the really bad fast food, McDonalds, burger King. I never ate before my BFP. Now I crave it. Especially burgers. I don't usually give in but I had two Big Macs for lunch a few weeks ago. Waaaaah!!!!
  • I've been craving burgers too, but my stomach is so finicky lately that anything greasy comes right back up. *sigh*
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    TTC since July 2013
    September 2013 period still hasn't started since getting off BC
    October 2013 OBGYN prescribed 4 months of unmonitored Clomid
    3 Months of Clomid, ovulated once
    Opted to not do 4th cycle without proper testing found new OBGYN
    January 2014 new OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS ordered ultrasound
    January 2014 Ultrasound found possible uterine septum
    February 2014 MRI confirmed uterine septum, referral to RE
    March 2014 RE scheduled septum removal for late June
    Benched due to possible miscarriages if falling pregnant, back on BC
    June 2014 Septum Removal surgery, hysteroscopy/laparascopy
    Laparascopy revealed mild endometriosis
    Benched until September 2014 for recovery and healing
    October 2014 - First letrozole, HCG trigger, TI cycle, 18mm follie
    November 2014 - BFP - loss at 6 weeks
    January 2015 - Green light to try again 18mm follie, letrozole, HCG trigger 
    January 2015 - BFP - two ultrasounds and strong heartbeat found on Doppler!!!

  • Yes!!!!! Nothing out of the house sounds good, I just want stuff from a restaurant! Don't know what's up with that. I had been on a super healthy home cooking kick before I got pregnant, now it's all takeout...
  • Cake and Wendy's bacon and cheese baked potatoes Are highest on my list
  • I ate Panda Express in my car before going into target to get bigger bras. I would eat Panda Express everyday if I could.
  • Subway has been my go to since my positive test! I've always had a love for subway though :)

    My problem is even with snacking before the end of the work day I'm starving. The thought of taking time to make food doesn't sit well with me lol. Enter subway! Hehe.
  • I would literally elbow you all in the eye for some arbys. Pretty much all the time! Gotta get the mozzarella sticks.. Ohhhh man
  • Yep. I think my problem lately is just not having much energy to cook, or having the energy (or stomach) to sit in a "real" restaurant and smell all the overpowering smells. The good news about fast food is that there are fewer people watching if you end up hurling while you sit in the drive thru!
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  • snikai said:

    Me! I've been a vegetarian for years.. That is until I became pregnant and now all that ever sounds good are cheeseburgers!!

    Oh man I could live off of cheeseburgers! They're all I want, and I was fairly meh about it pre-preggo status.

    But also yeah, I've been so about fast food. It's always been a rate-ish guilty pleasure but it's getting out of control lol
  • MiromiMMiromiM member
    edited March 2015
    French fries and tons of ketchup. But I'm not picky, I'll take tater tots and hashbrowns too!
    *Siggy Warning*


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  • french fries with ketchup, burgers with bacon and taco bell
  • French fries! I gave them up for lent in an effort to save myself from myself. Come Easter not sure what I'll do.
  • This post is going to make me CRY!!!! My DD (who still nurses) is very allergic to dairy and soy so I haven't had fast food in over a year. Since becoming pregnant I literally think about fast food ALL the time!!
    I did however get some habatache the other day and it was AMAZING!! I haven't braved eating out in a while but I like that I can literally watch them make the food. As a bonus DD loved the show, but would not try a single bite.... More for me ;) I want to go back tonight !!!
  • I think Mickey D's is like grossss gross. And yet when I was always nauseous it was the only thing that wouldn't sound like it'd make me ralph! I try not to give in too much...I sometimes fail. Damn unhealthy baby!
  • During every meal, I'm planning my next meal! Terrible.
  • @kimberlea_d exactly what you said is my life!!! Lol
  • Izzies said:

    This post is going to make me CRY!!!! My DD (who still nurses) is very allergic to dairy and soy so I haven't had fast food in over a year. Since becoming pregnant I literally think about fast food ALL the time!!
    I did however get some habatache the other day and it was AMAZING!! I haven't braved eating out in a while but I like that I can literally watch them make the food. As a bonus DD loved the show, but would not try a single bite.... More for me ;) I want to go back tonight !!!

    I will eat extra cheeseburgers just for you!!! OK OK maybe its for me a little too!
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