September 2015 Moms

One born every minute

we have this series in the UK, called 'One Born Every Minute' it's based on all the antenatal hospitals around the UK.

This series it's in Liverpool, were I'm from. It shows the same hospital were I gave birth to my son, and will be using the same hospital with this little one.
It's the best women's hospital in Europe, so you know your in safe hands.

It's amazing! Shares all sorts of stories from new parents to STM/TTM etc.

I watched it today and basically cried half the way through. They show the labour and all the fun and games that goes with it lol! If you can call it that haha

Anyone else watch it?

Not sure if you ladies can get in the US.
If you can, it's really worth a watch, especially for FTM'S :-)

Re: One born every minute

  • I've never heard of it in the US but sounds interesting! We have a show called A Baby Story which focuses on the pregnancy, labor & delivery and then life after the baby is a couple weeks old. It can get pretty interesting!
  • @nikkidavis421 sounds pretty similar. They follow the couples afterwards to see how their coping as new parents.

    I think it's wonderful. I can so relate to it and think it would be really great for FTM'S and still good for any other parent.

    I know what you mean when you say it gets interesting haha :-)

    I wonder if you can get it through the wonderful World Wide Web? lol xx
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  • I missed and was so looking forward to watching it. I'm going to see if I can get it on catch up. Although I'm nervous to watch it as that's going to be us in a few months time.. And the time will fly by..
  • We have that in new zealand! Its an awesome show but definitely brings out the tears and fears haha FTM here! So have no idea what to expect
  • I missed and was so looking forward to watching it. I'm going to see if I can get it on catch up. Although I'm nervous to watch it as that's going to be us in a few months time.. And the time will fly by..

    I know, I was thinking the same before I started watching lol, it just reminded me of the most amazing, yes painful, but wonderful memories lol :-)

  • I love one born I cried like a baby to last nights one, the moment that little baby's in it's mums arms and her face lights up I just crumble aha! X
  • We have it here in Australia! I'm obsessed with it!
  • It's on YouTube! I am an American (living in Morocco) and I've watched a few seasons of One Born Every Minute on there and I love watching it!
  • one born every minute is here in the US along with a baby story, birthday, and one more I can't think of the name of my mom records them then invite me over for food to watch them with her
  • It's on life time in the us and it's a very interesting show.
  • OMG I'm watching on YouTube is a great show! :)
  • kimrich81 said:

    one born every minute is here in the US along with a baby story, birthday, and one more I can't think of the name of my mom records them then invite me over for food to watch them with her

    Aww that's lovely.

    I recorded it, as hubby won't watch it.... Can't see why haha.
    Mum came round yesterday, so we watched it together to.
    I haven't been majorly emotional wth this pregnancy..... Think I made up for it yesterday though! Haha :-)
  • @yessirio is it the one in Liverpool? :-)
  • Wouldn't it be cool if one of us bump ladies were on that show?? We should find out how to get on it!
  • @mybabynumber2 I'm not really sure lol I guess I need to find out
  • I have been watching that show for the past year and absolutely LOVEEEEEE it! so many different births & storys Its increddible 
  • @snikai haha you never know!

    The one that's showing at the mo here, is the hospital I'll be having this LO lol :-)
  • OK is at the Princess Anne Hospital Southampton @mybabynumber2
  • @yessirio oh ok, I've not seen that series hun

    There's so many! Haha

    I'm just wondering if I'll meet any of the MW's from the show, when I go into have this little bundle hehe xx
  • Maybe we'll see u on the show lol yayyyy hahaha
  • Haha I'll be well dodging the cameras.

    @yessirio no one would want to film me with contractions... I look like a constipated dog!
  • Hahahahaha!!!!
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