I just had to have one of these for us Wednesday ladies this week to celebrate hitting the second trimester!
This post is for people who's change day is Wednesday. (That's for anyone due September 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.)
If you like the idea, this would serve as a weekly check-in.
Copy and past the following with your own details!
Week/Fruit: 14/lemon (I'm pretty sure I never get lemons that are larger than peaches, but okay!)
Symptoms: It's hard to recognize my pregnancy symptoms because my killer cold symptoms are masking them all!
Cravings/Aversions: Before losing my sense of smell and taste (see above referenced cold!) I was really loving sweets baked goods, such as donuts and muffins. Oh how I miss the days of craving fruit! I also became super picky about the taste of the chicken I ate. If it was old or gamey tasting at all, forget about it!
**Full disclosure: I straight up ripped this post off from the Tuesday Ticker Change post**
Re: **Wednesday Ticker Change**
Symptoms: nausea still having untameable
Hunger & dark brown spotting
Cravings/aversions: lemons the only thing that can some what tame the nausea
Symptoms: Still getting up to pee 2x a night, lower legs are sore all the time, still feel like I need a nap every day, although I seem to be getting my energy back. Thank goodness morning sickness is gone!
Cravings/Aversions: I have had various cravings come and go, but pretty consistently crave chocolate (I try not to give in to that one very often) and anything with noodles!
Symptoms: constant urination, fatigue, hunger and sleeplessness.
Craving/aversion: i can't even handle sliced cheese. Am in love with chocolate milk and sandwiches!
Symptoms: Leg/hip pain while sleeping, nausea almost completely gone (woohoo!!!), daily lunch break nap still needed, & crazy dreams!
Cravings/Aversions: Craving any & all sweets & carbs. Aversions to fruit, looking at raw meat.
**we have gender ultrasound tomorrow!! Fingers crossed baby cooperates!!
Symptoms: nausea, dizziness, insomnia.
Cravings/Aversions: craving quesadillas, food aversions include pretty much all meats.
Super Fun!
Week/Fruit: 11/Lime
Symptoms: Tired as Hell!! Frequent Peeing, that one just hit this week.
My breakfast - Always, special K red berries, a clementine and orange juice
Lunch - NEVER know what I want, but it varies from day to day.
Snack - Salt and Vinegar Chips and Dr. Pepper, please do not judge me.
Dinner - Baked Potato with butter, cheddar cheese and sour cream. More Orange Juice.
This is literally all I can stand right now. I also just have random desires to eat some random fast food place every day, but I don't.