Anyone else not sleeping well and having nightmares, mine are really freaking me out! I also change positions like every few hours and sometimes my uterus feels similar to a big muscle hurts!
I know exactly what you mean. I hardly sleep, and moving around is such hard work already. I hope it gets better soon. I haven't had nightmares but I do keep dreaming that car is getting stolen lol. It still stresses me out. Sometimes I stretch and I feel like I'm detaching my uterus, it hurts so bad.
Yes getting very little sleep i can't seem to find a comfortable position also my lower backs has been killing me i basically toss and turn all night long and had had a couple of nightmares i also get the pulling sensation when i move to fast to change sides. Congrats on your baby!!
Oh I have to change positions about every twenty minutes, and then get up to pee about every two hours, so I don't get very solid sleep. It's not painful or anything, just a little annoying. I hear chamomile tea helps with more restful sleep, but I still haven't tried it!
Right there with you ladies except I'm getting so hungry in the middle of the night I can't sleep! I've already had fruit and quiche this AM but I feel like I need more.
I agree ladies! I've been having trouble sleeping too! I am also finding myself getting really hungry while I lie here awake for hours... Well good luck to all you on getting sleep!
Glad I'm not alone! I've been waking up multiple times from silly nightmares (like forgetting to set my alarm and losing my job) and having to pee 3 times a night, even with no fluids before bed.
I used to have issues but I just got a regular whole body pillow also I take this herb sleep supplement OB said it was ok for baby it's made by Irwin Naturals called Power to Sleep PM take 2 capsules an hour before bed it works
Re: night issues
I also have very vivid dreams that freak me out every time I wake up because they seem so real!
I've developed some pain on the right side, as well that's pretty persistent. Who needs sleep, anyway, right? ._.
I guess it is good preparation for what's to come