Is this normal !! Lol I've been feeling pretty good since sunday only some back pain and headaches but the nausea & throwing up has stopped! And I'm not complaining
Congrats! I've felt normal 99% of this thing and now I'm @ 13w1d, so I can't even really understand the relief you're feeling. I can imagine it feels great though and I'm so happy for you!
Me too! I had the most violent morning sickness ( would be puking twice to three times a day!!) and I was getting pretty emotional and down about then when I hit about 10 weeks it all subsided (finally) and now I just get nauseous if I have an empty tummy. Had my first ultrasound last week and everything is perfect! Helloooo glowing second trimester!! <:-P
I experienced something similar to this recently. I was concerned that I was even pregnant. I had gone to a clinic for an annual pap, they did the pregnancy test, but never showed me, so I didn't have any kind of confirmation. At any rate. Around my 12th week I was starting to question if I was actually pregnant, because all pains had gone away no nausea, the tenderness in my breast had gone too. When I went to my ob appointment, we were going to listen to the heartbeat, but couldn't find one, so I kinda panicked even more.. The doctor sat me up for my ultrasound, and when the tech said, well there's definitely a baby in there, no life, I looked at her and said really? There's really a baby!? I was beginning to wonder... I mean I'm not complaining about not having the pain and knock on wood, no vomiting. I've been very blessed. 13+5 weeks. Good luck!!!!
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and today I felt like a brand new person. I almost forgot what energy feels like. I'm so happy! I have an appt friday. I'm pretty confident all is okay. I'm looking forward to walking and being myself again.
@serome3993 did you mean "no life" or "no joke" maybe? I'm sort of confused by your comment. Very glad everything is going so well for you though!! I am 12 on Fri and haven't had any morning sickness or headaches since the start of 10, and seen the bean 4 times yay for healthy pregnancies
I CAN'T wait!! The first trimester is coming to a close and I can't wait. I feel like I can't even enjoy my other 2 kiddos right now, I'm just drained.
Lucky for some!! I am 12 weeks 3 days and I am still throwing up about 5 times in the morning and even more at night starting to wonder whether or not there is 2 in there! ( have not bad an ultrasound yet).
ah theres hope!!! haha thats awesome you're done with the yucky stage! I CANNOT wait to get there! Im 11 weeks right and still feel CONSTANTLY nauseous. Starting taking Reglan recently and now throwing up less. ughhh I seriously am so done with this stage. Your post is my inspiration and reminder that this too shall past..
I just made 11w and it does feel great!!!! from 7w till 10w i was lightheaded 24/7 throwing up and just sick!!! hated it!!! But now.that iam feeling GOOD pregnancy isnt that bad
@nanipepi yes hopefully it will get better for you too ! I actually jinxed myself when i put the post up beacuse this morning i threw up but was feeling fine the rest of the day. So hopefully it stays that way : )
Re: 12 weeks and feeling NORMAL!
I'm glad we are all feeling better and can actually enjoy our bumps! Good luck ladies : )
33 years old, Married Oct '11,
Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.
BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!
George (3)