Has anyone had experience with an abnormal measurement on their Nuchal Translucency Scan, but then blood work come back normal/negative? My husband and I had our scan today and it showed 99.9% increase risk according to our babies measurement....I am 25 and we have no family history of chromosomal defects in our family. This is our first baby. I've read into a few cases, and even know someone personally, who had a positive scan, but a negative blood test, and was just wondering if anyone out there experienced the same? We should know results by end of this week or early next and we are both so anxious, nervous etc. Any thoughts are welcome!
Re: Abnormal NTS ?
My doctor made sure I scheduled the blood work in advance so that when I went to the ultrasound the doctor there had both results at the same time to give us an accurate risk assessment right then and there. I feel like all facilities should set it up that way, it seems cruel to make you wait an additional week to learn the complete results of the tests.