September 2015 Moms


I keep waking up at night crying or screaming because of nightmares. For example I woke up crying last night because I dreamt that the dr called and told me my baby was blind, deaf and has brain damage.This didn't happen during my first pregnancy. Has this been happening to anyone else?

Re: Nightmares!

  • I have really vivd dreams. I dreamt once that my husband was kissing other girls at school. I woke up so pissed off. It took me awhile to figure out that it was a dream LOL!!

    I'm sorry about the ones that you are having. I hope they settle down soon. 
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  • I've been having nightmares off and on since before I even knew I was pregnant :/ Lately their about SO leaving or being a real dick - even when he's being great in real life! When I'm not having nightmares, I'm still frequently having vivid dreams. I'm often pregnant or have the babes in them. Unfortunately nightmares are pretty common (and ones about a partner leaving, cheating, etc. is very typically in the second trimester), but I hope for both of our sakes they go away anyhow!
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  • I was having pretty bad nightmares in the beginning. Really vivid! My husband and I are now praying for the baby every night, I have a peace when I go to sleep and the nightmares are now few and far between. :)
  • the nightmares are awful. i wake up in a sweat sometimes casue of all the dreams! drive me mental!!! If they are bad ones about the hubby i roll over and cuddle into him - if he pushes me away cause its to hot...well. thats a different story and ill stay mad at him haha. look forward to the really really strange dreams!
  • My dreams are CRAZY.
    I dreamed earlier in the week that my best friend's husband kissed me. It's super awkward because he and I are JUST alike and she and my husband are just alike. We joke all the time that we should switch.

    I also dreamed that I went to the bathroom and a plastic baby came out. It was the size of the baby at the time, but it was plastic and had on a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. WTH?
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