September 2015 Moms

Anyone else mean?

Seriously! I am so mean today! I have no tolerance for dumb people. I'm scared for anyone who encounters me today. I keep telling myself to calm down and think about it from the other person's perspective. It isn't working. I've already sent 3-5 semi to really mean emails today! Help! Any suggestions to curb bitchiness?
Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.

Re: Anyone else mean?

  • I just take deep breaths & walk away. A lot :)
  • Lol everyday I have a moment where I'm like Jesus, what is wrong with me!? Haha
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  • I was really mean yesterday and snapped at my DH. I felt so bad. I've been snappy and bitchy. IDK what to tell you. I just avoid people when I start to feel mad and I've told my family to just not talk to me at points because I know I'll be mean. I am just angry for no reason half the time. Ugh. 
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  • My patience has REALLY dwindled since getting pregnant. With my business partner I feel like I am strangling the air in response to so many of her emails. Like.. FREAKING LOOK IT UP YOURSELF MAN. omg.
  • I have been so short and irritable with my step-daughter lately, which makes me feel REALLY guilty. I nearly lost it this morning when she piled YET ANOTHER DISH on the counter instead of putting it in the dishwasher. Sounds so petty, but with being so exhausted, work, long commute, and having to pick up after her and my husband I feel crazy. I may need an intervention. 
  • @erinc79 I know exactly what you mean! My boyfriend leaves his dishes in the sink. How difficult is it to put it directly in the dishwasher that is LITERALLY one step away?!

    I'm happy to see I'm not the only crazy mean one right now!

    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
  • :D . I have been the same. I work with people face to face and I just can't tolerate some of them. I get stressed around certain personality types and it drives me nuts. I excuse myself or wait an hour or longer to reply to people via email..If it's a phone call I wait a few hours. I feel that I need time to calm down to prevent stress from adding up. I'm like Hello you think you have a reason to give me a hard time or complain on something that is irrelevant. ..well I'm pregnant leave me alone!
  • Lol this was me yesterday.. Hbic @ work lol
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Step away from the emails lol!
    I got a "lovely" text from a family member last night, trying to bait me into an argument. I deleted it before I responded. Still haven't responded. It's hard but sometimes you just need to walk away.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yeah just step away from the situation. I'm really snappy toward my best friend. She's getting married in July and hasn't done anything which includes picking out bridesmaids maid dresses. I'm going to be 7 months pregnant and she wants matching dresses for everyone and doesn't want to get them from a place that does maternity dresses. It stresses me out. Therfore I've just avoided the subject. I'm just stepping away so I don't say what I really want to haha
  • I'm a concierge and have to deal with stupid people's stupid questions all. day. long. It's at a condo tower, so I have to deal with jack-ass construction workers too, who love calling me darling, and sweetheart, and doll, and other very infuriating pet names all day long. I don't know how many times I've had to say "I'm only doing my job" when they go all "aren't you so sweet to get the door for me" even when they have a key to get in, they just stand at the door and wait for me to open it. AHHH. Walking away isn't possible for me because it's literally my job to open the door for and get keys for and pamper these people who are just pissing me off haha.
  • I don't have my own scenario to add to this topic, but I can completely relate.  DH usually gets to listen to me vent!  One day I know I'm just going to snap though.  

    Once, after having sinus surgery, a friend of mine was put on steroids.  After taking them for a few weeks, her doctor offered her a note for work explaining her moodiness/anger, if she felt it was necessary.  I wonder if our OBs would be up for something like that?

    CafeMom Tickers

  • edited March 2015
    I have noticed that lately I don't handle things that upset me very well. I would say overall I'm very even tempered, but for example the other night one of my SO's female friends (who I've only met once in person as she lives on the other side of the country and hardly know at all) was texting with me and she said good bye by saying "take care of our fetus." I seriously thought I was going to explode I was so angry. That is not like me AT ALL! Kinda freaked myself out a little
  • Yep. I'm all sorts of ragey. My SIL was asking me about a birthday dinner for me and I said "to be honest I'd rather just sit in my bed in my underwear watching Netflix and eating an Ice Cream cake.
  • I'm right there with all of you! I am a raging bitch especially at work! It's horrible, but I (in the nicest way possible) told him to stop talking while my co-worker was explaining how to handle something on our new software. He literally interrupts all the time, thinks I'm his personal assistant (which I am not what-so-ever), and constantly makes an annoying noise with his mouth. I can't stand it or him right now lol. It takes all I have every day at work not to just shut my door and tell everyone to figure it out on their own.
  • I missed part of a sentence- told my co-worker/boss to stop interrupting.
  • I am a crazy, rage filled pregnant woman lately. I think even the nurses at my Drs office are a little weirded out by my change in behavior. I literally cannot help myself, I feel like I'm loosing it. I didn't feel this way with DDd until the end and even then I was much better at hiding it from everyone...... Not so much right now
  • Yes! So. Much. Yes. 

    I'm edgy, easily annoyed, and I cry when I decide that the emotions are bigger than I can handle.

    I've also had the flu for the last 2 weeks...which really hasn't helped this scene in the slightest.
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