Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Lies. Ibprofen is class C (no studies/ no known risk) until third tri. It's class D (risky, do NOT take) in third tri. Most doctors assume their patients aren't smart enough to follow directions so they just tell them no. I don't take it often but when I'm desperate I will occasionally during 2nd tri.
Lies. Ibprofen is class C (no studies/ no known risk) until third tri. It's class D (risky, do NOT take) in third tri. Most doctors assume their patients aren't smart enough to follow directions so they just tell them no. I don't take it often but when I'm desperate I will occasionally during 2nd tri.
Ditto this- yes it is safe early in pregnancy. The risk comes later in pregnancy. My OB said they tend to just tell patients no ibuprofen completely since they don't want to risk a patient forgetting and taking it during 3rd tri when it IS dangerous.
Lies. Ibprofen is class C (no studies/ no known risk) until third tri. It's class D (risky, do NOT take) in third tri. Most doctors assume their patients aren't smart enough to follow directions so they just tell them no. I don't take it often but when I'm desperate I will occasionally during 2nd tri.
I was told by one of my doctors who's a maternal fetal specialist that NSAIDs after 12 weeks were fine as long as I didn't take them more than 3 days in a row and stuck to the directions.
@XCrissCrossX But why would you risk it? My RE, OB and 2 CVS pharmacists all said no because they just don't have data. Tylenol works to relieve pain just fine!
I told my doctor that someone said ibuprofen was okay to take until the third trimester, and she said that person is mistaken. She said there have been cases of fetal problems connected to using ibuprofen in early pregnancy, but not as many as in the third trimester, so it's not AS dangerous, but it's still dangerous. I don't think using it once or twice will make a difference, but I wouldn't make it a habit. Stick with Tylenol ladies.
I've chosen to avoid even Class C medications since the exact risk is unknown. My ob and my neurologist said only Class C when the benefits outweigh the risks, and that hasn't happened for me.
Married 6.21.2014 DD #1: 8.16.2015 #2 EDD: 1.13.2019
I've chosen to avoid even Class C medications since the exact risk is unknown. My ob and my neurologist said only Class C when the benefits outweigh the risks, and that hasn't happened for me.
Re: is ibuprofen okay to take?
Most doctors assume their patients aren't smart enough to follow directions so they just tell them no. I don't take it often but when I'm desperate I will occasionally during 2nd tri.
33 years old, Married Oct '11,
Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.
BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!
DD #1: 8.16.2015
#2 EDD: 1.13.2019