so the promise of the morning sickness gets better in 2nd trimester is nothing but a myth for this mommY to be!!! Please give me hope this will get better!!!
If it's really bad you might want to talk to your doctor about being on medication. I threw in the towel and finally broken down last week but I was vomiting over three times a day and have lost weight. The medication helps (although I still get the occasional boat) and I feel more like my old self.
I'm sorry, but I am so glad to see I am not the only one!!! I still keep getting sick! At 12 weeks I was convinced it would be my first MS free week...that quickly proved not to be true. So then I thought, week 13 will surely be my best week yet! Well, come Wednesday I will once again be hoping week 14 is the week that I suffer no MS! Sorry you're atill sick. I am just going to keep suffering through it...I feel like even despite the MS, I can still keep down important nutrients. I would rather go without meds if at all possible.
14 weeks 2 days and I'm with ya. I was taking Zofran but I'm a hypochondriac and I've seen too many birth defect commercials so I'm trying every possible natural way to deal with it. So far it's getting better but I will say the zofran worked wonders for me, hope you find something that works for you that you're comfortable with!
Still sick here as well at 14 weeks, 2 days. Threw up in the shower and in a Staples parking lot today. Meds didn't help me. Haven't gained any weight and also haven't lost any because I can keep food down at night so I eat like a monster when I can. Behhhhhhh
I will be 12 wks tomorrow and it is the worst it's been the whole pregnancy! Before Saturday I could count on 1 hand how many time I actually threw up. Let's just say that was doubled in a weekend! : / sorry if that's tmi but I'm not as tired anymore. Praying for better days but if not at least we get the greatest prize ever at the end of it! Growing a human is hard!
I threw in the towel too last weekend when i vomited for 12 hours straight. I couldn't even keep water down! Zofran gave me my life back. I was getting dehydrated, losing weight, and miserable. None of which was good for baby. I only take it when I really need it, but it really helps. I was even sobbing to my husband at one point that our baby would be an only child because I couldn't go through this again. I would definitely talk to your doc to get some relief options.
Me: 28DH: 29 TTC since July 2013 September 2013 period still hasn't started since getting off BC October 2013 OBGYN prescribed 4 months of unmonitored Clomid 3 Months of Clomid, ovulated once Opted to not do 4th cycle without proper testing found new OBGYN January 2014 new OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS ordered ultrasound January 2014 Ultrasound found possible uterine septum February 2014 MRI confirmed uterine septum, referral to RE March 2014 RE scheduled septum removal for late June Benched due to possible miscarriages if falling pregnant, back on BC June 2014 Septum Removal surgery, hysteroscopy/laparascopy Laparascopy revealed mild endometriosis Benched until September 2014 for recovery and healing October 2014 - First letrozole, HCG trigger, TI cycle, 18mm follie November 2014 - BFP - loss at 6 weeks January 2015 - Green light to try again 18mm follie, letrozole, HCG trigger January 2015 - BFP - two ultrasounds and strong heartbeat found on Doppler!!!
I feel for you mommas. I'm almost 14 weeks and the nausea feels like it got worse around week 12. I thought I would be out of the woods but guess I took the baby moon too early because that's when symptoms were the worst! My girlfriend said hers subsided at 15 weeks so nowI'm holding out hope for that. Hope everyone feels better.
I'm in the same boat as the rest of you. 14 weeks and still nauseous. Meds don't help. At least I don't throw up. I just feel like it. I found chewing cinnamon gum helps a little.
Almost 15 weeks here and it started to get A LITTLE better, but I still have the sickness and I have to pay very much attention to what I eat, because I get sick very easily.
I was prescribed Primperam, but I got it intravenously when I ended up in the ER (yes, my sickness was THAT bad), and got a panic attack (doctor thinks it might be possible Primperam caused it) so, íf this doesn't get any easier soon, I am considering to see a doctor again and get some prescription for a similar medicine.
Same here! 14 weeks and still no relief! I have regained minimal energy, but still n&v like there's no tomorrow. I was prescribed Zofran but was too nervous to take it Hopefully some relief comes soon for us!
Re: 14 wks morning sickness still going strong
TTC since July 2013
September 2013 period still hasn't started since getting off BC
October 2013 OBGYN prescribed 4 months of unmonitored Clomid
3 Months of Clomid, ovulated once
Opted to not do 4th cycle without proper testing found new OBGYN
January 2014 new OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS ordered ultrasound
January 2014 Ultrasound found possible uterine septum
February 2014 MRI confirmed uterine septum, referral to RE
March 2014 RE scheduled septum removal for late June
Benched due to possible miscarriages if falling pregnant, back on BC
June 2014 Septum Removal surgery, hysteroscopy/laparascopy
Laparascopy revealed mild endometriosis
Benched until September 2014 for recovery and healing
October 2014 - First letrozole, HCG trigger, TI cycle, 18mm follie
November 2014 - BFP - loss at 6 weeks
January 2015 - Green light to try again 18mm follie, letrozole, HCG trigger
January 2015 - BFP - two ultrasounds and strong heartbeat found on Doppler!!!
I hope you feel better soon!