Just off the subject of pregnancy for a minute.
Ok so Do you think kids should do chores? I've a 7 & 4 year old. And I personally think that there is no harm in it.. Both my kids empty there lunch boxes when they get home from school & they both tidy there room which isn't often as they keep it relatively tidy. My 7yr clears the table after dinner.. I think it gives them responsibility & they actually enjoy doing it.
Re: Should kids do chores?
He feeds the dog, loves hoovering! And if he could cook, he would haha, he's forever watching me in the kitchen. I let him get involved to a certain point, but chopping and turning the stove on etc are big no no's.
Our son gets money for his money if he does chores. He actually looks quite chuffed with himself when he's finished lol.
It's also good for LO's to do chores, as it shows them the value of money (if you pay them that is) and how you have to work hard to get nice things in life, or even the basic necessities.
I used to do chores when I was a child, it never did me any harm, and I never even got paid for it..... *whispers....I used to enjoy them .....ssshhh don't tell my mum that! ;-)
The two year old has to clean up her toy mess, put her books away and she helps me transfer laundry from the washer to dryer. She loves throwing things away also so if she finds any trash laying around she throws it away.
It's mainly the three of us since my DF works 7 days a week second shift so our 9 year old has to step in and help pick up some of the slack. She gripes and moans sometimes but she understands and all her chores take about 30 to 40 minutes aday then she's done and can do whatever she choses. If she doesn't do chores she does get in trouble. She knows what it takes to clean a house. As our two year old gets older some chores will shift to her and this baby will be picking up after itself.
I always tell them the sooner we work together, the sooner we can play together! I don't pay them to do their daily responsibilities. My main rules are, "Everything needs to have a home. If it doesn't have a place then it needs to go." AND "When you are done with it, put it away." They are still learning and it's constant reminding but just the other day my 3-year-old son was putting the counting bears back in their bucket and he tells me, "I put it away, Mommy! Then I go play dinosaurs." He knew that he needed to put away what he was done with before he got something new out! Consistency will pay off!
There are no surprises here. They all learn young and know their roles. Sounds strict but I'm actually pretty laid back. They're out sitting in the mud, digging, making messes and being kids at the moment! I know they'll take their muddy shoes off before they come in and then wash their hands because that is just what they've always known and done. I just set guidelines and remind them of them when they forget.