September 2015 Moms

Pain, help! ):

so randomly tonight I just started getting these extremely painful cramps. I put pressure on my belly and the bottom left is very hard compared to the rest. I'm a first time mommy, is that baby? Because I'm at 11 weeks and didn't realize I would be able to feel anything. If not, what is this and why does it hurt?! ):

Re: Pain, help! ):

  • mrscate88mrscate88 member
    edited March 2015
    If the pain is extreme, go to the ER right now. I don't have experience with the belly pain you described and I don't feel any hard spots around my abdomen at 13 weeks, so I'm not sure if yours is baby or not, but my doc said to go straight to the ER if there is any extreme pain. I hope all is okay.
  • Yes me, too. But I had spoken with my doctor not too long ago and had asked about pain. She had told me just to go if it was continuous. This comes and goes but the hardness is still there. I mean the baby at this point is much smaller than the spot on my stomach actually is. It's my entire left abdomen kind of, and the pain is there when pressure is applied. It just makes me nervous! Thank you for the reply. If it gets worse I may have to go.
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  • I have not experience that before. Sorry to hear that you are and hope that you can get some answers even if not the ER the doctor today. I wonder if they are a more intense gas pain?
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  • Ive had the same problem and it eventually started going around my hip to my lower left back From what my ob told me was it was just stretching. It means youre getting ready to support another humans growing life. As the baby gets bigger it stretches more. She said as long as there is no bleeding or spotting it should be fine :) >:D<
  • I have no experience with this particular pain... I do have pretty bad pains when I move wrong, cough or sneeze or even laugh too hard, I brought it up to my OB and she said it's perfectly normal, it's round ligament pain. But it's just a quick sharp pain.
    I hope everything goes well!! You're in my thoughts and prayers
  • @Jessnquinmt and @indogbeersiveonlyhadone thanks for the suggestions! I was thinking something like that myself, maybe just the uterus stretching or something. I have already began to show but of course only enough for me to tell. I was only cautious again because the lower left portion of my belly was so hard, just solid and when I pushed I could feel a pain. It's sore there this morning, just not hard anymore.

    @Jessnquinmt did your belly and back get "hard" this way?
  • You could be having some Braxton hicks already- I've had some (since its my 4th pregnancy I know what they feel like to recognize them). It wouldn't account for the pain which is probably just stretching but it would account for the hard spot since your uterus firms up as it contracts.

    Braxton hicks are nothing to be concerned about unless you have a bunch in an hour. If it happens again you can try drinking a bunch of water and laying on your left side and see of that helps. You're more susceptible to BH when you're dehydrated.
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  • This is my second pregnancy, but I already have a harder spot in my stomach. It might be eariler for me since it's my second time around. I agree with the previous person, drink more water. I get crampy and get a headache if I slack on my water intake. Hope you start feeling better soon.

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  • Ok so I'm not a doc obviously, but if the pain and hardness are near you belly button it sounds like your bowels. Are you constipated or gassy? It could honestly be feces or compact gas. Gross, I know. At 11 weeks the baby shouldn't be that far up your abdomen from my understanding.
  • I had severe cramping and went to ER- that's how I learned I was pregnant (5 weeks). At the time they told me it might be a miscarriage- it wasn't. I passed a small kidney stone. At 5 weeks I didn't feel anything in my abdomen ( you mentioned a hard area). My pain was right in the middle- very low like uterus area. Not a typical spot for a kidney stone...? I'm sorry you're having this happen- if the pain is severe please go to ER-
  • Thank you guys for everything! I spoke with my doctor and talk to our go to for everything! (Mom) lol and they both believe it's my ovaries and I'm fine unless there is blood. The hardness went away, and the pain is not severe and as I expected it's not the baby lol my doctor is going to make sure there are no more cyst. I had one when I found out I was pregnant but nothing extreme.
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