September 2015 Moms


I had preeclampsia with my son when I was pregnant with him 2 years ago, however, it didn't erupt until the day I gave birth to him, which happened to be his due date. I had high blood pressure for months before his birth, I was super swollen all over, and a few times I had elevated protein levels in my urine. However, each time they would test me for the illness, it would come back negative. We could all hardly believe it, with all of what was going on, but thankfully, we didn't found enough for a true diagnosis until the day he was born. That day, it erupted, and was discovered in my urine even after my son was born via c-section.


I was told that having pre-e last time, makes it a bit more likely that I'll have it again this time, so my doctors have already been testing me religiously. I haven't had any symptoms yet, thankfully, so it hasn't been an issue...until this week. I don't have a doctors apt scheduled for another few weeks, but I have been experiencing terrible, all day long headaches and even a dizzy spell or two. Nothing takes away the headache. Not Tylenol, not tons of water, nothing. I am terrified that I have pre-e again. It's so much scarier to me this time because I'm still only 13.5 weeks along, so I am frightened that if I do have it, it will affect my baby in a horrible way. I also realize, that although it was a topic of conversation throughout my nearly entire previous pregnancy, because I didn't have it officially until so late, I really don't know much about what it will mean IF I do have it. I know all the symptoms to look for, because I dealt with that a lot last time, but since I never erupted early last time, I don't really know what comes AFTER a diagnosis of pre-e, especially if it were to happen this early. What will it mean for me? Bed rest? Baby born preterm? Or worse? Has anyone been through this before?

Of course I would start having these headaches and dizzy spells, not to mention panicking about this on a weekend, when my doctors office is closed. I will call Monday, but in the meantime I am trying to avoid googling...and hoping someone here will have some suggestions for me. 
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Re: Preeclampsia?

  • I had it at the end with my second and have had high blood pressure at a few of my appointments already but they haven't said anything yet! I've upped my water in take to 2 liters a day and resting a lot. Hoping that helps!
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • I had it with my first and my doc told me I am less likely to develop it this time. But, I am having the headaches also, esp this last week. But my blood pressure was normal. Hang in there...those symptoms may just be the hormones! :(
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  • I had it with my son and ended up in a c section. My OB said it's more likely to happen again. she has already order me to do a 24 hour urine test so in the case I get it again, She will have something to compare It too. I have also had really bad headaches where I would have to have my husband take care of our son while I go to sleep (I hate medicine and will only use it unless it's necessary)
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    I believe you might be on hospital bedrest and meds with early detection of it. Don't quote me as I'm no expert. What I do know is actual eclampsia is a matter of life-and-death so it's good they're monitoring you extra careful.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hi LittleLeahBeah...I will be a FTM and am 12 weeks today.  Even though I haven't experienced pre-eclampsia yet I unfortunately know a lot about it because I am at a very high risk for getting it due to my other medical conditions.  Before I began trying to conceive I consulted with a high-risk pregnancy doctor and have done some research.  I already have protein in my urine and some kidney damage from a past autoimmune disease so I am closely monitored.  I just wanted to recommend that you purchase a blood pressure cuff.  You can determine quickly if your headaches are from high blood pressure with that.  I just bought a good one from Costco for $40.  If it is high (normal is 130/80) then you should call your doctor right away, even if it is the weekend.  They will have someone on-call.  High blood pressure can restrict blood flow to the baby in addition to being a pre-cursor for pre-e.  It will be really important for you to monitor your blood pressure and to not let it get too high. There are medicines that are safe in pregnancy for High BP.   I am on Labetalol and Methyldopa, both category B, so safe for pregnancy.  I already have chronic hypertension so I have to be on it the entire pregnancy.  Also, there are studies that show that a baby aspirin one a day have been shown to help prevent pre-eclampsia.  But I would ask your doctor about it first because I think there are also some risks.  Lastly, this website, is a really great resource for current information about pre-eclampsia.  Best of luck to you.  Pre-eclampsia is very scary but I try to keep in mind that when the doctors know to look for it and you are closely monitored then you have the best chance of a positive outcome.  
  • I had all the markers for pre e with my first but never spilled protein which made no sense to anyone seeing as how my normal blood pressure ended up being 170/120 which is obviously really bad and I was sent to the hospital a few times before it gets to bad they can put you on blood pressure meds and also if you are hospitalized early they can usually bring it down with an Iv I don't honestly remember what the meds were but I do remember they made me feel horrible. I have had to do a 24 hour urine at my 8 week appointment and at my 28 week the last time and have already done one with this one to keep an eye on it. I would suggest getting a blood pressure machine I have one and have to keep a log of my blood pressure and show the doc so they can get a sense of what it is like when I'm buying running around with my kids and not just sitting in an office. I have also had horrible head aches and occasional dizzy smells but since when I check my blood pressure it's not up I chalk it up to hormones and normal early pregnancy things. Also even without pre e the high blood pressure can cause low amniotic fluid which can put the baby in distress which is the reason I had to be induced at 37 weeks with my first. I am on an intervention plan now where starting at 28 weeks I will be going every 2 weeks for ultrasounds and non stress test and at 32 weeks I will be going every week for the same things. So they can monitor my fluid levels and make sure the baby isn't in distress this is the plan they followed with my son too. I have had both of my kids At 37 weeks. So I would definitely monitor your own blood pressure at home it can tell you a lot faster if it's something you need to call about! Good luck hopefully you don't get it this time pre e is a nasty thing!
  • I had full blown eclampsia with my 3rd child and was induced at 34+ weeks. My Bp was very high and I was sent to the ICU for 48 hours and remained in the hospital after for 5 more days.
    I was terrified of a repeat when I got pregnant with my 4 child. I changed my diet to a very high protein diet, and did not take iron supplements because the extra iron from the supplements causes your blood to be thicker which can cause blood pressure to stay high.
    I had no issue with 4th and 5th children and I will be doing the same diet this time
  • I developed pre e at 30 weeks with my first I was put on strict hospital bedrest and lasted until 36 weeks. I am 11 weeks now and they are watching me closely as well on top of a few other things I developed. But I am having regular headaches but you just need to check your blood pressure when you have a headache or a symptom if your BP is fine it is not what is causing the symptoms. But as for what to expect if you develop it early is being put on a blood pressure medication to control the BP and possibly bedrest from modified to strict to help depending on severity. If severe enough preterm delivery is a possibility. Blood pressure issues cause growth restriction so a small baby could also be a possibility. My best advice is just to do what the doctors say because you can't do anything but relax!
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