September 2015 Moms

Heart Beat

Is it weird that I haven't heard the heart beat yet? I've had three ultrasounds (due to PCOS and Endo), and I've seen the heart beat and baby, but I haven't heard it. I'm 10 weeks and 5 days. My next appointment isn't until 14 weeks.

I'm just not sure when it's safe to announce... We haven't told anyone yet.

Re: Heart Beat

  • I only heard it at my NT ultrasound. If you see it, I don't think hearing it is a big deal.
  • Didn't hear the heartbeat till my appointment at 10w and the doctor said I was on the borderline of being able to hear it..... Just hang in there!!!
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  • I don't think that's too weird. As long as they can see the HB and tell you the BPM, that should be a relief. Can u ask to hear it??
  • adtaylor2015adtaylor2015 member
    edited March 2015
    I heard it with my son at 10 weeks and with this one at 8 weeks. I understand why you're concerned because hearing it is very reassuring. I would definitely ask to hear it at your next appointment if they don't offer to let you.
  • We haven't heard it yet either and I'm 13w2d. But we've had three ultrasounds and seen the heartbeat and been told the heart rate each time, so I'm not concerned at all! I'm actually more reassured now that I've seen the baby wiggling around in there ... it's pretty obvious its heart is beating when it's in there jumping and wiggling around! And it was cool to see the heart flickering. We told our families and close friends at 8 weeks after our first ultrasound and told everyone else (including Facebook) after our 12-week Nuchal Translucency ultrasound. I wouldn't be concerned that you haven't heard it! If you've had ultrasounds and everything is looking great, there's nothing to be concerned about! Plus, a lot of doctors won't even try using the Doppler until you're further along since it can be hard to hear the heartbeat until you're 12+ weeks along. My doctor tried it at 8w5d and wasn't able to find it so did an ultrasound instead and there it was, beating away.
  • My midwife refused to even try for the heartbeat at my 10 week appointment. I don't have another apt until 15 weeks. Luckily I work as a nurse in an ER and we have a Doppler, so last night on my break I found the heartbeat. I was 11 weeks and 6 days yesterday. It took me a few minutes to find, but I would say it was that hard.
  • I didn't hear it at my 10w4d appointment and it really scared me so I went back a week later and got an ultrasound and the baby was in there fine. Doctor said it's probably because my uterus is tilted.
  • Did you see it? And was baby moving around at the last one. I would think that should be reassuring. I haven't heard it either. Last appointment was at 13 weeks. He didn't even try.
  • Baby was moving and I saw it. I guess I'm just afraid to tell anyone. I'm so scared to miscarry.
  • @caityrose thank you!! I feel better!
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