September 2015 Moms

I'm three months pregnant with my first baby, and i feel like i dont look pregnant at all??

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Re: I'm three months pregnant with my first baby, and i feel like i dont look pregnant at all??

  • I'm 5'9'', with my first everyone always commented on how tiny I looked. At one point, I was at such a low weight my doc made me drink this nasty calorie protein drink. It drove me crazy that I wasn't showing sooner. You'll miss those days when, with your second, people tell you how huge you look compared to your first. Because it's totally not rude to tell a pregnant woman she's fat.
  • I'm thirteen weeks and not showing at all. We also just found it that it's twins, so I'm extra surprised that no one can tell. Has anyone else been told that it can happen almost over night? My grandmother-in-law made the suggestion and I've been having vivid dreams of my belly growing rapidly in front of large rooms of people.
    Glad to hear it's relatively normal not to be showing yet!
  • With the first, I didn't start showing til the last weeks of the second trimester. With this baby I have only gained four pounds so fed not showing. I am not small though and they tend to show quicker. Also the babys position plays a part when showing
  • aeb20aeb20 member
    Totally normal! I didn't show until like 24 or 25 weeks with my first.
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  • 12 w 2 days Nope, not showing yet. My pre pregnancy BMI is slightly underweight, I am thin. I am short but have a longer torso.

    Sometimes have evening bloat, but like another poster still works with low rise jeans.
  • My mom says that when she was pregnant with me, she went to work in her regular pants at around 20 weeks but "popped" by the end of the day and had to unbutton them.
  • Be grateful! You'll be showing in no time!
  • I'm 12 weeks and no bump, just a little bloat. Can't wait to stop feeling like I look fat and start looking pregnant!!
  • For my first, I didn't show till month 7, and I was a skinny thing. The doctors were on me about gaining weight, even though I've always had trouble gaining and my baby came out 7lbs. 6oz. I was all baby and left the hospital in my previous pregnancy jeans.
  • I'm almost 15 weeks and I think I'm showing but I may be the only person who can tell! Anyone who didn't know me would probably just think I had a large lunch!
  • I'm over 14w and not showing at all. Zero weight gain and my regular pants are all loose on me. Not complaining. . Bump will surely come!
  • FTM too: I didn't start showing till week 11 and once it started it hasn't stop! Everyone's body is totally different and the good news is you may not have to buy as many maternity clothes!
  • You are so lucky if you're not showing yet! I'm a tiny retired ballerina and now a ballet teacher. My husband is a nutritionist and he told me I needed to gain weight before we got pregnant. So I did, but I'm still pretty small. I wear form-fitting clothes for a living so my students can see my body when I demonstrate. I have been bloated and definitely starting to pop even though this is my first pregnancy! Thank goodness I can wear a little teaching skirt to help hide the bump for now! I just shudder at how big I'm going to be in my last trimester if I'm already showing in my first!
  • Even though I'm not showing yet I'm kinda worried about my weight.
    I have only gained 3lbs in 3 months.
    How much have you ladies gained so far?
  • I lost 8 pounds, probably from giving up craft beer.
  • I'm FTM and actually lost 15 lbs because I have zero appetite- no vomiting. I look healthy but by noon I have a bloated tummy- no baby bump I think.
    If you touch my tummy it's puffy and fluffy. I have no idea when I will start to show either. I also think people just see someone who ate a big lunch.
  • Yeah perfectly normal!  With my first I didn't show for a LONG time.  I noticed kind of soon, but like other people, not at all.  I was due in October, gave birth Sept. 30th and I had people in August that literally had NO IDEA I was pregnant.  I only gained like 30 ish lbs.  Now the second time around, different story lol.  I gained 70 lbs I was HUGE!

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