September 2015 Moms

Is it ever okay to hate?

Ladies...I saw this and just had to share it with you. I mean, WOW!

It's okay to hate her, right???? I kid, I kid!! She looks AMAZING!! Sending her all the supportive love. But holy zowza! Very different from my reality already...I keep paying my gym membership hoping it will magically help! #jealous #greenmonster #itsmybodyilldowhateveriwant #eatingfortwo 

Welp, back to my chocolate cake! ;-)

Re: Is it ever okay to hate?

  • Holy SHIT!! I am floored. She looks ahhhhhh-mazing wtf I hate her!!!
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  • Whoa! She looks amazing! PURA VIDA COSTA RICA!
  • I saw this earlier on FB. I'm bigger than that and I'm only 14 weeks :((
  • I don't know. (Pulling off a piece of twizzlers with my teeth) I. Can't. Even with this chick right now.
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • :x
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • So depressing. I totally don't buy her supposed love of burgers. lol
  • I'm sure if I could afford a trainer, someone to cook all my meals and wasn't a real person I'd look like that too (ha) lol
  • Where the hell is the baby?? Hahaha.
  • @Rhill30 she really doesn't have a belly button in that one wtf! :-S
  • So jealous of this chick as I sit here on my chubby butt while she's probably at the gym haha! Let's start tomorrow ;)
  • HATE HER!!! my left thigh is bigger then her ugh! #superjealous 

    Origami Owl Independent Designer 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ahhh ella es Tica . Pura vida . Increíble
  • I think its totally ok to hate in this situation!
  • She just has a super weird belly button. Look, if I was rich and my ONLY job was my looks and that's what paid my bills, I'd be in the gym 24/7 too. Also, she probably has the $$$ for a personal trainer and nutritionist and all that jazz. I can't compete on any of those levels, I have a house to clean, a baby and a husband and pets to look after...there's no way the gym is fitting in every day lol. If someone was paying me that much money, you can bet I'd look like that too! hahahahaha
  • Bahaha I love this group of women!!! @Jessababyphoto - you go, girl! Chicken is lean protein, so I say eat up!! 

    I just finished my grilled cheese and curly fries...but I walked today, so I'm pretty sure it cancelled it out...wishful thinking... ;-)
  • I think she looks a little freaky! ! :-/
  • Looks photoshopped to me! Lol ol heffa!
  • I agree @Knottie00400192 I think it looks photoshopped, too, and @riahanson I don't think she looks right either!! Definitely not a motherly look to me!
  • I'm curious how much her baby is going to weigh when it comes out. 15 lbs. But lifting a 10 lb weight? You know those crazy stories that's on t.v. about how they didn't even know they were pregnant until they went to the hospital with severe cramps and poof out comes a baby? I'm guessing she has that rare case where the baby grows inverted (up and back) instead of in the front like the rest of us. Crazy though. Guess I will finish drawing my pregnancy abs once my Linea Negra comes in. In the meanwhile I will be on my couch snacking on Cadbury chocolate mini eggs at 3 am because I have insomnia.
  • Good for her but I honestly can't stand that men/women will see this and think that everyone could carry like this 'IF ONLY PREGNANT women weren't so lazy' !!!! Ugh. This is a one in a million. I mean, hell...I'm almost 14 weeks and don't have the slightest bump yet and I'm pissed about it! LOL I have waited a loooooong time for this baby and dang it, I WANT the bump!!!! I earned this. I don't want society thinking baby bumps are lazy and bad now. I'm wanting to look like her visibly pregnant friend on the beach!! That is the look I want! LOL
  • ^^ I agree!! I think pregnancy is a beautiful thing and women should embrace the bump. I also don't think people should look at something like this and say now that's a beautiful pregnant woman. This is not normal and we shouldn't want to look like that. And others shouldn't expect women to look like this. Nothing against her, she is beautiful I just don't think this should be the standard we compare ourselves to.
  • She has a terrible phone case.
  • I personally cannot wait to have a bump bigger than hers. She is probably not only thin- but probably also super tall. I don't like how they are praising pregnancy abs either- most women's abs split it's normal, and chances are she just has a body type to accomodate a bump like that- I don't think "effort" can make you look that way.
  • Pregnancy abs? =))
  • That cannot be healthy. The baby will probably come out and have a low birthweight, how could it not?
  • She has a terrible phone case.

    =)) hahaha love where your head's at!!!
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