Hi Ladies!
This is my first pregnancy and I am feeling lukewarm about my Drs. I had only just recently started going to the office for paps before becoming pregnant (yay!) so hadn't really had much experience with the place yet. I have met two Drs and one midwife so far (I did like the midwife but you never know who you will get on the big day and usually the drs are the ones I can make appts with based on scheduling). Both Drs were ok, nice enough, but they are always confused about my bloodwork, whether I have had it done yet or redone or whatever the case may be so I have to make sure I keep track of what tests have been done and what haven't. They don't really explain the tests either, thank goodness I have Google and baby books! An ex. a sheet I filled out asked if I or my husband is Hispanic, my husband is, when I asked why the Dr. said "Oh we are just nosey." I know she was just making a joke but then she didn't explain why! We had to ask again like no seriously why does that matter? I always bring a list of questions because if I don't ask I don't feel like they will tell me anything. For instance a friend of mine is preg as well and her practice gave her a magnet that tells her which medications are safe to take and which are not, I had to ask about that. My friend's dr. told her she should lie on her left side vs back and right side, my dr. made no mention of this (though I did ask to confirm). Again, it is my first preg and I just want to make sure I am doing what I should be but I also don't want to leave the practice for no good reason. What have your experiences been like? Does this sound normal? Or should my Drs be giving me more info? Thanks for any advice in advance!
Re: Should I switch Drs?
I've heard it quoted that we can spend more time researching the best car out there to buy but we don't spend a whole lot of time seeking a care provider for the most important day of our lives, when the care for our baby should be top priority and that does start prenatally! The care providers should be people you trust, period. Blindly trusting medical care providers never did me good.
I now have the most wonderful midwife whom I trust explicitly. She spends time with me. She remembers our names. She explains things. She tells funny stories and just has conversations with me, not always about pregnancy (last time she showed me her backyard garden and we talked about raising backyard chickens). She prays for us (we are Christians so of while that may not be something everyone wants I appreciate her for that). She cried when my last baby was born and still loves what she does. It took until my fifth baby to find her. I had no idea about her. Keep searching. Whether it's an OB or midwife, hospital or home - they should be someone YOU trust.
George (3)
I switched 12 weeks or so in to my last pregnancy - I loved my nurse practitioner, but the OB who would have delivered my son was cold and not very personable (not to mention she didn't refer us to a fertility doc until after 3 early losses). I ended up at an OB/Midwife practice at the recommendation of our fertility doc and fell in love with them. If you want truly compassionate care, consider checking out a midwife practice.
Good luck - and in my case, my insurance company covered the costs of checking out other practices. Hopefully yours will too.