September 2015 Moms

Should I switch Drs?

Hi Ladies!

This is my first pregnancy and I am feeling lukewarm about my Drs. I had only just recently started going to the office for paps before becoming pregnant (yay!) so hadn't really had much experience with the place yet. I have met two Drs and one midwife so far (I did like the midwife but you never know who you will get on the big day and usually the drs are the ones I can make appts with based on scheduling). Both Drs were ok, nice enough, but they are always confused about my bloodwork, whether I have had it done yet or redone or whatever the case may be so I have to make sure I keep track of what tests have been done and what haven't. They don't really explain the tests either, thank goodness I have Google and baby books! An ex. a sheet I filled out asked if I or my husband is Hispanic, my husband is, when I asked why the Dr. said "Oh we are just nosey." I know she was just making a joke but then she didn't explain why! We had to ask again like no seriously why does that matter? I always bring a list of questions because if I don't ask I don't feel like they will tell me anything. For instance a friend of mine is preg as well and her practice gave her a magnet that tells her which medications are safe to take and which are not, I had to ask about that. My friend's dr. told her she should lie on her left side vs back and right side, my dr. made no mention of this (though I did ask to confirm). Again, it is my first preg and I just want to make sure I am doing what I should be but I also don't want to leave the practice for no good reason. What have your experiences been like? Does this sound normal? Or should my Drs be giving me more info? Thanks for any advice in advance!

Re: Should I switch Drs?

  • Every doctor does do things differently. Like mine told me to sleep which ever way I was comfortable lol. With that said tho, I love my doctor, always very friendly and very comforting. During my first prenatal visit I got a bag full of samples of vitamins and lists of foods to avoid as well as medications that are ok to take. I don't have to keep track of any tests I've had or anything like that, they know everything that is going. Even if I have to see a different doctor that day. I think if you don't feel comfortable with your doctor and they aren't thorough enough for you, you should definitely look elsewhere. I know I would.
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  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Oh and I will add that my current care provider is highly knowledgable and skilled. Her transfer rate (she is a homebirth midwife) is less than 3% and mostly moms choose to transfer, it's rarely an emergency. So of course you also want someone who knows what they are doing. ;)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • WDDCH said:

    You never have to stick with someone. They may be great for Pap smears but not so great for birth day. If you're uncomfortable then shop around. I'm a huge supporter of women being comfortable with her medical care team. 

    ^^ This. I loved my first gyno because she was straight to the point and no bs. When I'm getting a pap smear it's great. I wanted more "warmth" from an OB though, and I knew that wasn't her thing. So I switched and I love my current OB. It's totally fine to switch if you don't love them. This is a huge deal and you should enjoy every appointment.
  • You are going to be spending a lot of time with this doctor and this is a very important experience both physically and emotionally. If you aren't feeling it for any reason, then I would say find another doctor.  
  • If you're already not happy and aren't feeling comfortable, I would definitely switch! You'll be going to the doctor every 4 weeks at first, then 2, then 1, so you'll be spending quite a bit of time with your doctors, not to mention on the big day! If they seem unorganized and aren't giving you the information you think you should be getting, I would definitely look elsewhere. I go to a clinic with about 10 different delivery doctors and plan to alternate between them for each of my appts since any of them could be delivering the day I give birth. I have loved all of the doctors I've met with so far, and they've been extremely helpful in offering information and answering my questions. They also provided me with a huge booklet at my first appointment that contained tons of information, including what to expect at each appointment, medicines I'm allowed to take, what to expect throughout my pregnancy, etc. I feel extremely comfortable knowing I'm in their care, and also really appreciate that they have a doctor on call 24/7, so if I have a concern in the middle of the night, I can call the on-call line and will receive a call back from the doctor within 15-30 minutes. As a FTM, those things are really important to me. Go with your gut! :)
  • I agree with everyone else! I wanted to put out there that I've had the same OB/GYN since I was 15 and he was wonderful when I had my son and then all of a sudden he was the crappiest doctor in the world! I have no idea what happened! So when I knew that I was pregnant I found someone else who I got many recommendations for and I couldn't be happier. He is wonderful and I think I'll stick with him to be my GYN after BB is born. Don't deal with an average doctor. 
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  • Yes, definitely look around for someone else if you're not comfortable with your current group.  I think the best way to find a good doctor is to ask people you know, and if you're lucky, it will work out in terms of insurance.  People who love their doc or midwife will go out of their way to recommend them.
    Laura, mom of:
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  • Yes, it is all about preference and your comfort and if you don't feel comfortable with your doctor or feel like you are the one that is doing the research instead of them informing you, then i think it is time to switch.
  • If you're asking the question should you switch? I think you should switch- there is something in you that's making you feel uneasy about your care and that gut feeling is enough to do something about it. The labs thing can be worrysom and I like some of the ladies above I was given a nice bag with lots of info in it that should help me throughout the entire pregnancy from what to do about morning sickness, to kick counts, to preterm labor signs and etc. my advice is that you shop around or see if you can see your friends doctor. But Im also a mom who is having a baby after a loss (I have 3 yr old and lost twins last year) so to me being comfortable with your providers is a must! Good luck wishing you a happy healthy 9months!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I would find another doctor. My ob gyn has been awesome with all pregnancy stuff. She explains what she's doing and why and how. ... you need to have a doctor that can be understanding and informative. Start shopping around and change doctors asap.
  • Thank you to everyone who has responded I really appreciate it! It is good to hear about some of your experiences! 
  • Agree with other posters!
    I switched 12 weeks or so in to my last pregnancy - I loved my nurse practitioner, but the OB who would have delivered my son was cold and not very personable (not to mention she didn't refer us to a fertility doc until after 3 early losses). I ended up at an OB/Midwife practice at the recommendation of our fertility doc and fell in love with them. If you want truly compassionate care, consider checking out a midwife practice.

    Good luck - and in my case, my insurance company covered the costs of checking out other practices. Hopefully yours will too.
  • If you're asking yourself this question, then you should switch. Obviously something about the doctor is bothering you. Different people want different things from a doctor. My number 1 is their ability to fit in my schedule. I'm a teacher so there is a very narrow window of the day that I can speak with them in person. If they don't do email, or aren't willing to respond right away or after my work day, I leave the practice. Make your expectations clear when you see your new practitioner (if you switch). Let them know right away that you want someone who is willing to answer your questions and providing information about your concerns.
    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I would switch you need to trust who will be taking care of you and your child.
  • If you don't trust and don't feel comfortable with your doctor I would switch. The last thing I would want is to be in labor and question everything my doctor is doing. You need to trust and have confidence in your doctor as they are going to be helping you deliver your child.
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