My husband and I are expecting our first and we are so excited! I am a little worried about his crazy schedule and having to adjust with my work schedule as well. Are any of you working mothers or plan on working? Several of the LEO wives I know are STAHM due to the crazy schedule demands and of course, with this all being so new and being a huge planner myself, I am trying to figure out what will work best for us. Any advice would be wonderful!
I bought this little outfit and planned on giving it to my husband whenever we got pregnant. He loved it and I can't wait to take pictures of our little sweet pea in it

Re: Any other LEO wives??
I'm a FTM, too, so I'm right there with you on trying to figure out the best way to do things as I go. We'll all make it work, though.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
A lot of the officers had a baby about the same time we did (it was crazy their were like 4 other births on my husbands shift in a 3ish month period) of that I'm the only SAHM (pay in this area is not so great) and they make it work (most have a lot of family help though, we don't have that luxury)
The hardest thing is he misses so much with our daughter and I know how rough that is on him. We just really try and make a big deal out of the days he is home.
Good luck!!!! It's hard being a LEOs wife but you will make it work for your family.
And we have 8 wives pregnant on our department right now! When I had DD there was 3 of us. It Deffinatly is in the water!
It'll be nice to have others going through the same thing! Plus your kids will be super close! I really appreciate my friends who are married to LEOs. Not that my other friends don't try it's just hard to get the same level of understanding when your husband works in job where they are not constantly in danger.