September 2015 Moms

Any other LEO wives??

My husband and I are expecting our first and we are so excited! I am a little worried about his crazy schedule and having to adjust with my work schedule as well. Are any of you working mothers or plan on working? Several of the LEO wives I know are STAHM due to the crazy schedule demands and of course, with this all being so new and being a huge planner myself, I am trying to figure out what will work best for us. Any advice would be wonderful!

 I bought this little outfit and planned on giving it to my husband whenever we got pregnant. He loved it and I can't wait to take pictures of our little sweet pea in it :):) 

Re: Any other LEO wives??

  • I am! :) His schedule isn't terrible. Right now he's on night shift so I see him in the morning. And he's been working 3-11. We make it work and I am self employed so we work around each other's schedule!
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • That's what shift mine is on too, 3p-1a. :)  But the good news is with that schedule he gets more days off a week! I'm hoping my company will be a little flexible with me when the time comes. We've discussed working a couple days from home so hopefully that will work out! 
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  • My husband isn't a LEO, but he is Navy, so I totally get the crazy schedule! Right now, it feels like his boat is on the opposite schedule of my appointments and us always put to sea when I go to the doctor's!

    I'm a FTM, too, so I'm right there with you on trying to figure out the best way to do things as I go. We'll all make it work, though. :)
    Married 25 May, 2013
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  • I am, my husband works 12hrs (alternating 4mo days , 4mo nights) to be honest when he's on days it's not to bad but nights are horrible (for us). I'm a SHAM and it does make it much easier but I think it's doable either way. If you do contine working you just have to know that on days he's on you can't count on him for daycare pick up, help with dinner, etc because of the crazy schedule.
    A lot of the officers had a baby about the same time we did (it was crazy their were like 4 other births on my husbands shift in a 3ish month period) of that I'm the only SAHM (pay in this area is not so great) and they make it work (most have a lot of family help though, we don't have that luxury)
    The hardest thing is he misses so much with our daughter and I know how rough that is on him. We just really try and make a big deal out of the days he is home.
    Good luck!!!! It's hard being a LEOs wife but you will make it work for your family.
  • @Izzies that is what we are going through now! He has 3 other beat partners who have pregnant wives and we are all due July, August, September then October. Maybe it's something in the water? haha
    We are very fortunate to have family close by so I'm sure we will be leaning on them for help. 
  • My SO is in the last stages of the hiring process to become a police officer. He is in the Marines right now though so to me crazy schedules are the norm lol. I won't be staying home after baby is born, but thankfully I have a Mon-Fri 8-5 type job that will allow for some consistency in baby's schedule. Everything will work out, I come from a LE family myself and it gets crazy sometimes, but it always works out.

    That outfit is adorable by the way!  
  • Melzig76Melzig76 member
    edited March 2015
    I am. We were on nights & swings for a solid 4 years. I became a SAHM after DD was born because it hurt wasn't possible for me to work with day care his schedule & wanting our kids to be able to see Dad. It is serioulsy taxing, and life like few can understand. It will take a little time to adjust to his schedule ( and then again as shift change happens) but you will get it!' Just do what's best for you guys.

    And we have 8 wives pregnant on our department right now! When I had DD there was 3 of us. It Deffinatly is in the water!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I sent a photo to my husband of that outfit and he is obsessed lol!
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • Mine is on 3p-3a most of the time. He mainly works undercover at the moment so they get to have a more lenient schedule. I work 0645-1530 with late and call shifts. It will definitely be difficult, but we're so excited as this is our first baby as well
  • @jessababyphoto I got it at Baby's-R-us! Maybe they have some online?!
  • I will check!! :) thanks!!
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • @erinjhayes8 I'm the only one pregnant right now, I'm waiting for everyone else to spring it on us! After last time we surly can't be only ones this time..... The other wives are going to clobber me for jinxing them ;)

    It'll be nice to have others going through the same thing! Plus your kids will be super close! I really appreciate my friends who are married to LEOs. Not that my other friends don't try it's just hard to get the same level of understanding when your husband works in job where they are not constantly in danger.
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