September 2015 Moms

Loss of 10lbs

Hi, I have been answering people here in S15 but this is my first post. I am a FTM in New York/Connecticut. I am 13 weeks 4 days today and I have lost 10 lbs. I havent been sick except a few times just after brushing teeth but had no food in me, just very nauseous in the evening if i try to eat after 7 pm. I started at 144 lbs. Last ultrasound baby was measuring a week a head so I know he/she are doing alright but I am starting to get concerned with my health. My MD didnt say anything when I was 7 down at the 12 week ultrasound. I am eating and when at night I cannot get meat in I will drink a protein shake. I am just feeling like im going in the wrong direction.

Re: Loss of 10lbs

  • Hang in there! If you are really concerned call your doc, otherwise hopefully the second trimester will be better on you.  I had the stomach flu this week so I'm down close to 10 now and still can't really eat much.  Sounds like baby is happy!  Just keep trying to eat. Prayers!  
  • I wouldn't be too concerned. As long as baby is developing, the recommendation is 25-35 lbs. you could gain 20 very easy the last trimester! Eating for 2 isn't really advised as long as you are getting your nutrients needed. I've gained and lost 0. I'm happy with that since I'm in the 150's. I didn't want to gain a bunch like last time.
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  • abs99abs99 member
    Honestly--- everyone is different.  Depending on where you started out (underweight/ overweight / etc.) that can be a determining factor on whether this is reason for concern or not.  However, if your Dr was not concerned at your last appt that is a good sign. 

    When is your next appt?  If you are really concerned maybe you could call beforehand?

    I have HG--- so I've lost weight as well- and it has not been ideal.  But I had the same issue in my first pregnancy and really I mostly put on weight later on in my pregnancy (not the first tri), which I think is pretty normal.
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  • Honestly--- everyone is different.  Depending on where you started out (underweight/ overweight / etc.) that can be a determining factor on whether this is reason for concern or not.  However, if your Dr was not concerned at your last appt that is a good sign. 
    abs99 said:

    When is your next appt?  If you are really concerned maybe you could call beforehand?

    I have HG--- so I've lost weight as well- and it has not been ideal.  But I had the same issue in my first pregnancy and really I mostly put on weight later on in my pregnancy (not the first tri), which I think is pretty normal.

    Next appointment is a week and a half away. Ill just wait to see what they say then. Maybe things will get better and Ill just be 5 lbs under!
  • abs99abs99 member
    edited March 2015
    @Yiggle09 --- at least you don't have to wait long!   If you are getting some food down and aren't getting sick that is a good sign!  
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  • I have lost weight to, my Dr said it's okay the baby is growing normally... im 13 weeks 3 days we will gain in this 2nd trimester. So i have lost weight but i do have a tightness in my abdomen and feel a small bloat
  • Definitely talk more with your doc if you're worried because they know your situation best, but I think what they look for is for the weight to start rebounding sometime in the 2nd tri.  The strange thing about severe NVP (and even HG) is that baby can still thrive despite it--and it sounds like yours is.  As far as your health, as you hopefully start to feel better in the next few weeks, your appetite should begin to come back.  Hang in there as best you can, and good luck.  This part eventually does pass.
    Laura, mom of:
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  • I wouldn't worry too much. I myself am 12w3d and so far I've lost 15 pounds due to food aversions, heightened smell and nausea/vomiting. I was nervous and asked my doctor about it. He wasn't concerned at all and said as long as you can keep liquid down then you are fine. Baby will get everything they need :) things should hopefully start to ease up for you soon and you'll start to gain as baby grows!
  • Thank you for your responses. Makes me feel less concerned
  • Don't get discouraged. I lost 15lbs with my first pregnancy & only gained 13 back. My son was healthy & is now 5. My doctor was awesome as it sounds yours is too! He explained that every woman is different & as long as baby was growing properly he wasn't concerned about my weight. Keep your head up!
  • A friend of mine lost a ton of weight during the first weeks and she was already tiny to begin with -- she had HG, yuck! No fun. But it was explained to me this way - our digestions slow down a ton (um, hello lovely lovely constipation.. gas..) so we absorb like EVERY calorie and nutrient. At this point baby only weighs nearly an ounce! While they need loads of important nutrients, the calories themselves I don't think are as important right now - so long as you're EATING--and it sounds like you eat pretty well--I think you'll be fine :) If the doc didn't seem concerned, I wouldn't be either. If our bodies NEEDED tons of extra calories and whatnot during the first trimester, we probably would have evolved around morning sickness..

    and wouldn't that have been nice eh?!
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