Hi, I have been answering people here in S15 but this is my first post. I am a FTM in New York/Connecticut. I am 13 weeks 4 days today and I have lost 10 lbs. I havent been sick except a few times just after brushing teeth but had no food in me, just very nauseous in the evening if i try to eat after 7 pm. I started at 144 lbs. Last ultrasound baby was measuring a week a head so I know he/she are doing alright but I am starting to get concerned with my health. My MD didnt say anything when I was 7 down at the 12 week ultrasound. I am eating and when at night I cannot get meat in I will drink a protein shake. I am just feeling like im going in the wrong direction.
Re: Loss of 10lbs
Next appointment is a week and a half away. Ill just wait to see what they say then. Maybe things will get better and Ill just be 5 lbs under!
George (3)