September 2015 Moms

Anyone else overweight and pregnant?

im 10.5 weeks and was on,y told by my midwife today that I should have been taking a high dosage of folic acid throughout the pregnancy and up until 12 weeks. Only 1.5 weeks left and I can't get my prescription until Monday! I'm panicking now and feel angry at myself for not knowing myself. This is my first 'overweight' pregnancy complication.

Any other overweight ladies facing problems or know of any likely to come my way?

Re: Anyone else overweight and pregnant?

  • I'm overweight but was not told to take anything other than prenatal vitamins and iron supplement. We have a higher likelihood of gestational diabetes but that's really the only big issue that I've run into so far. My blood sugar is being monitored closely due to high numbers with an early glucose test but it's not an official diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
  • I've been overweight for all of my pregnancies and honestly never took any vitamins other than a handful of times. If you're eating healthy and getting vitamins in fruits and vegetables, there really is no cause for concern. I took the healthy eating route with all 3 kids because vitamins and extra supplements don't really sit well with me during certain trimesters. Try eating foods with higher folic acid and drinking or eating foods that have high protein and vitamins.
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
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  • Hopefully that helps ease your mind :)
    Expecting baby #3 Due 9/15/2015
  • No one told me about this, either (although I wonder if it's based on how overweight you are? My pre-pregnancy BMI was 29, so definitely higher than it should be, but maybe too low for this type of warning? I'm not sure.) I'm sure it'll work out for you, anyway. After all, women have been having babies for centuries without these supplements :)
  • Plus sized FTM here, *waves to group*.  I was not told to take any additional folic acid but the prenatal vitamin I chose has a good amount in it.  I was told to take iron supplements, but that is because I'm borderline anemic.  Like @shelbydd, my glucose level tested high in my initial lab work so I will be having my blood sugar monitored closely as well.  Other than that, the only thing that was affected by my weight was how many pounds to gain during pregnancy.  

    But let's be honest, my real problem is that I want to see the bump all the "skinny" Sept15 moms are starting to see!  So adorable!

    CafeMom Tickers

  • i'm overweight too.
    just taking prenatal vitamins and iron supplement and trying to eat as healthy as i can while dealing w nausea
  • What's considered overweight? I'm technically overweight but healthy. I'm very athletic and hold a lot of muscle. I weigh 182. I'm only 5 7. My health is great but I have delt with PCOS since I was 12 years old. I have always delt with influx in weight but I'm holding at 5 lbs. All I can say is drink lots of water. Its helped me not be nauseous and limits headaches. I noticed taking prenatal with some type of good filler keeps the nausea away.

    This is my first child so I am new to all of this.
  • I'm really overweight and am taking a prenatal with DHA. I have a genetic anemia so it doesn't matter how much extra iron I could take I'll always be anemic, so no extra iron for me. So far nothing negative has been said about my weight. I was surpised when I was told they want me to gain 15-30 lbs!
  • I'm overweight and don't have to take anything but prenatals.
  • I wasn't sure what being overweight had to do with folic acid, so I asked my sister (she knows a lot more about medical stuff than I do) and she pointed out that if you're overweight it takes more of a chemical to get to the area that needs it. so we should probably all have been taking a higher dose than someone who wasn't overweight; but by 10 weeks the neural tube has closed so the need for it isn't quite as pressing. still worth taking tho.
  • I'm overweight and wearing XL maternity clothes now, so you have an idea of my size. Because of nausea I gained 15 lbs by my second appointment. My doctor didn't mention anything about my weight gain or nothing.

    Also one of my BFFs was a size 24/26 when she got pregnant and stayed around during her pregnancy. She had no complications, no GD, and delivered a healthy baby girl.
  • I'm overweight 190lbs and 5'7 before baby. Doctor wasn't to worried, I don't have to take anything extra and Im supposed to gain 20-25 lbs
  • ktbkittenktbkitten member
    edited March 2015
    @myspecialkid Please don't take this the wrong way, but how did you gain weight because of nausea? I'm overweight and I've been so nauseous that I've lost 6 pounds and just now have been able to today I ate junk almost all day...yup. Baby wanted donut holes. LOL!

    My doctor hasn't said anything to be me either. I have a feeling they won't unless I start to gain too much. Last time I was underweight and they were pushing me to eat more, so I did and then all of a sudden they were like, OK you can slow down now HAHA! 
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  • I'm considered overweight. My BMI is 27. I was told to gain between 15-25 pounds. My doctor didn't make a big deal about it though and I'm not taking anything extra, just a prenatal.
  • @ktbkitten. I have gained bc I eat mostly carbs now due to nausea and I didn't really eat a lot before. I have gained 3 lbs and I throw up a couple times a day.
  • That's what I eat for the most part too because they help settle my stomach. I was just surprised about weight gain. Most people that complain of bad nausea lose weight. 
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    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • @ktbkitten. I have gained bc I eat mostly carbs now due to nausea and I didn't really eat a lot before. I have gained 3 lbs and I throw up a couple times a day.

    @ktbkitten same with me. Whenever I get nauseous, carbs is the only way to cure it. I've eaten yogurt for example and still felt nauseous to the point that i felt like I was going to vomit, but if I eat something with carbs and it goes away.

    This isn't just with baby either. Back when I was taking birth control, I had to switch to an external BC because even the low dose made me nauseous.
  • I've struggled with weight my whole life due to PCOS. My doctor basically just told me to watch what I eat. I was never advised to take any additional vitamins or supplements other than my prenatal vitamins.
  • That stinks about the weight gain ladies. Thanks for not taking offense! 
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    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • I'm overweight. I'm currently taking 2 prenatal vitamins at a time because I have had WLS so i have a problem malabsorption. I do have low iron as well but my OB is having me go for blood work soon to see how my levels are doing.
  • I'm starting my pregnancy "overweight" but I'm healthy, low risk, blood work was good, NT was good, and my OB recommended I gain the "normal" 25-35lbs, so i don't think it will effect my pregnancy. I've lost 10lbs so far due to HG, but I'm almost in my 14th week and my nausea has already begun to subside, THANK EVERYTHING GOOD AND HOLY :)>- :D . I am worried though, about my weight effecting me later in pregnancy. As long as baby is healthy I'm happy though :)
  • I'm overweight as well. This is my second baby and I have only taken the prenatal vitamins along with dha with both pregnancies. My doctor hasn't mentioned needing anything additional. I have one amazingly healthy little girl and so far all signs are showing another healthy little girl is on the way. Prayers for healthy pregnancies for all of you all!
  • I also had lots of nausea and only carbs would help.. I've only gained a pound but you'd think that from all this all day vomiting I would have lost weight. I'm concerned about my BMI but my doc says I have nothing to worry about and I should be grazing all day.
  • I'm over weight also and was told to gain no more than 20 lbs in total. I'm fine with that because it forces me to exercise and do the right thing nutritionally. I haven't gained any weight but I can relate to weight challenges related to nausea..when my nausea was, at its peak, I also had food aversions and bread was one of the only things that seemed appealing. I didn't eat a loaf/day but more than I typically would have consumed and it concerned me especially since I need to watch overall weight any event I just take a prenatal daily as well recently they told me and additional iron but I hadn't done that yet.
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