September 2015 Moms

Is it safe to use self tanner while your pregnant?

Re: Is it safe to use self tanner while your pregnant?

  • I'm not sure if it is safe or not but if your worried about the ingredients I know there is a product called Eco tan that is natural and organic.
  • I used st tropez with my last pregnancies, the lotion one so as not to inhale so much of the stuff, all my babies were perfectly healthy and my midwife Ok'd it :) I'm a tan addict lol!
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  • My doctor told me to skip it. She says there really isn't any studies either way to prove if it's bad or fine. I'm really pale so I'm bummed but I'll skip it unless it's a special occasion
  • I'm naturally super pale but I'm in Florida so I'm going to rely on the natural sunshine to get sun kissed during my pregnancy. If you spend even an hour outside a day here, even with sunscreen, it's pretty impossible not to tan lol. I was using self tanner too but I agree with @AndieTessie about not enough testing. So I'm putting away my million dollar tan for the next 7 months lol.
  • I wouldn't.. It's all chemicals which makes me nervous!
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