It seems that overnight someone's wish was granted. Congratulations, Nuttmegger2 was banned.
I think it's very unfortunate, you just lost a valuable member of this board. Someone who may not have always agreed with everyone and their opinions but who also had a wealth of information, experience and advice and shared it.
Whoever did this must be incredibly proud sitting behind their screen. Do you have enough balls to admit who you are? What Nutt did to cause you to hit that button one more time?
Your so quick to react but how many times has it been said that 1-Tone can be hard when your just reading the words 2- Disagreeing=\= Mean, Negative or Rude. 3- This board is what you put in and take from it. If you give support, you get support. She supported, but clearly some of you don't see it that way. 4- The report button is not a 'dislike' button.
We're not all going to agree on everything all the time, can you imagine how boring that would be if we did? But it seems at least one person here has that objective.
Re: Someone on S15 got their wish...
I just don't understand how disliking something = TOU violation. Wasted breath, I'm sure.
I have a question if you can only get kicked off to TOU vio and people keep reporting her so much wont the people banning her research why and don't they determine if it's a TOU?
I had seen on another board she called most here on S15 F*cking stupid and she only stayed here in this group to help fix the stupid. That is more than an opinion. I have been PM several times about how mad people were over that so maybe thats why people kept reporting her. Again she wasnt my favorite but i didnt see reason for her to be banned completely. I have seen someone come back under another email after being banned
As a side note- her join date was Feb 25th and she seemed pretty familiar with the bump to have only been here a short time. My guess is this isn't the first time she's been banned.
I have to thank her, though, because I have made several close relationships with women who PM'd me to talk about how rude and horrible she was! Not DISAGREEING, no one is saying they cared about that.. But being an outright slovenly jerk about it
Oh and the "mean girls" do report
I can't figure this out. Suddenly in the last week/10 days I'm reading posts about the board being mean and nasty and yet I haven't seen it. Where are the mean and nasty posts? Is it that I'm avoiding them by not reading anything that has FTM on it? What is the story?
And I've seen nutmegger's posts on the threads I read/partook in - I didn't see anything untoward there. Can some please enlighten me as to where the mean and nasty is?
It all get's deleted by admins because it keeps getting reported
That being said, I do think it is sad that she is gone because aside from the nastiness she did sometimes give excellent advice. And I think we probably haven't seen the last of her. I agree with another poster that this likely wasn't her first rodeo, which says to me that this has been a problem before... and if it's happened before, all signs point to it being her problem. I doubt it was just one person that reported her.
So- maybe now we can get some peace on this board? I realize we're all hormonal, but let's move on and be friends again please. Before a few days ago this place was awesome.
Ohhhh...I only ever saw one questionable exchange! I was curious also.
In my honest opinion tho, I couldn't care less if someone has a difference in opinion from me, if I go on a public forum and ask for people's opinions I expect to get opinions I might not like. But with that said, to run to another board and talk shit about this board is pretty lame in my opinion. If you don't like here don't come here. Plain and simple.
Anyway this was basically my experience with posting something and people being very opinionated about the subject and hurting my feelings but me just moving on because that's what you do...or at least I thought it was.
I haven't experienced things people on here have been fighting about in real life thankfully lol and i highly doubt 98% of the "mean things " would be said to someones face in real life. Most adults can be mature about disagreements and opinions in real life. Thats the benefits in hiding behind a computer screen and people getting to hit the TOU for it but in reality its the admins decision. I am not happy she has been banned but I would think it's not hard to skip a board that makes you feel inclined to personally insult someone
I dont know, i wouldn't say your wrong but i honestly dont know how many complaints there have been i have only noticed a couple people that other's are complaining about. i have also seen the other side where certain people get defensive if you dont agree but again i have only seen a little of that and just ignore it
Growing up would be a good first step.
Maybe it was deserved, maybe it wasn't, but the people in charge obviously thought so.
Hopefully lesson is learned and as momma always said "if you don't have anything nice to say........"
Quite pitiful when you can't even express an opinion on how you feel, isn't it?