September 2015 Moms

Honest Opinions Please!

So after deciding we wanted the boy's initials to be the same as my husband's, we now cannot agree on a name that starts with a "C" to save our lives, except for one! We know the middle name will be Easton (my husbands).

How does Carter with the last name of Clark sound? Carter Easton Clark. I almost feel like it's too many "R"s (as I know nobody will use his middle name In life) and don't want to make it rough on the poor kid! We liked Carter and I literally just discovered tonight that it was my grandmother's maiden name.

We'll probably have another girl and then we'll really be SOL on names, but I wanted some honest feedback on that name because it's been nagging at me. Any help would be awesome ladies!

Re: Honest Opinions Please!

  • @mrscaterosales My cousin's name is actually Connor, so it's funny you say that. Thanks for the feedback. I know there have been a lot of name posts, but I'm literally laying in bed losing sleep over this! Haha
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  • I'm not a fan of alliteration when it comes to naming. There's no name C name I would think goes well with your last name.
    Also, you shouldn't probably post your name online. Especially since you told is your husbands name too.
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  • I like Carter :) there is also Cedrick and Curtis :) even if it sounds different at first to other people, after a while that will just be his name and it will be right :)
  • Carter Clark isn't too many "R's" and I'm sure he'd be just fine. Funny that your cousin is Connor too. Maybe some other ladies will be able to suggest some good back up C names. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the encouraging words @mrscaterosales! Do you have any names picked out yet?
  • @Alassea, I really like Cedrick! Thank you for the suggestions :)
  • Last chime in: I think Cameron Clark or Cody Clark are both cute too. I know a few Cody's and I find the name so endearing :-) K, that's all out of me I promise
  • Thanks @mrscaterosales. I would like the name Cody and I know some very nice Codys, but some people can ruin a name lol
  • So true @Ali+Cee ! That is why we struggle with girl names, I've known some crazies haha, and my husband is from an old fashioned latino family so all the girl names are long ones I can't pronounce!
  • Yes @mrscaterosales I'd feel bad giving my child a long name he/she would have a difficult time learning to spell/pronounce, so I can understand that. As far as the crazies go, I understand that too well haha
  • If I have a boy he will be Colton.. It may work in your situation :D
  • Thank you @missmandah! I actually like Colton. I know there's more than one Colton in the world, but don't want to steal names ;)
  • I actually quite like Carter Easton Clark. I think it flows very nicely, which I think is particularly important. I also think Carter is just a very nice, somewhat unique but still professional name. I think it's nice.
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  • What about Cole?
  • Thank you @ktewart. That makes me feel better! @squidlydoo I like Cole, it's a very manly name, but also cute for a little boy.
  • pregat40pregat40 member
    edited March 2015
    C names I like:
    It won't be too bad choosing a C name for your chosen middle name and last name....good luck
  • I think it's cute.
    My son's name is Quincy Cortez Quinn. So in school the teachers will call Quincy Quinn.
  • Personal preference but I love alliteration!! My last name is Clark, too ;)

    I typically don't mind giving my name bc seriously, type in Carol Clark into google and see what you get. But, I am just over the moon for alliteration when it works out! Then again, I'm a girl so I wonder if that makes a difference.

    Love all these boys names! ;;)
  • Christian Easton Clark sounds nice I think. But I do think Carter East on Clark sounds good to.
  • adtaylor2015adtaylor2015 member
    edited March 2015
    What about Carson? Although I'm not it flows well with Easton. I think Carter is cute though.
  • I have two male friends with "C" names Cameron and Casey.

    Cameron Easton Clark
    Casey Easton Clark

    Goodluck! I haven't even thought about names yet lol still waitin to find out the sex. (12 weeks today) woot!
  • I love it! I think it sounds great together.
  • Thank you for all of the feedback ladies. I overthink little things like that, so I really appreciate you all telling me it doesn't sound terrible. It's growing on me and really doesn't sound bad to me this morning. Btw, I love all of the name suggestions. You've mentioned a few that I wouldn't have thought of. You Sep 15 Mamas are an awesome group of women, so I knew I could turn to you :D
  • edited March 2015
    Here is a name not mentioned that i think is great and a little more uncommon these days. Corbin
    A friend of mine named her son that and I love it!!
  • I don't think Carter Clark flows off of the tongue very easily, I agree it's too many R's. I like the suggestion of Connor Clark.
  • I think conner and carter are adorable names! Caden Clark sounds cute too! I personally love Conner though! @mrscaterosales
  • I like it! I think it sounds very sharp! :)
  • Last chime in: I think Cameron Clark or Cody Clark are both cute too. I know a few Cody's and I find the name so endearing :-) K, that's all out of me I promise

    I really like Cameron Clark! And I think Carter is great too.

    And honestly... maybe it's just me... but I think either of those names would work for a girl too!
  • I am a fan of name alliteration though I may be a little biased as my first, middle and last name all begin with M.  

    I think Carter Clark would be an adorable name! 
  • My step sons name is I love it and wish I had somthing to do with picking it.
  • I really appreciate all of the input ladies. And you are right @raspell, they could work for girls! That's another dilemma/war we haven't even looked into. We don't agree on many, but will both have to compromise a bit. I guess we will see at the 20 week ultrasound :)
  • I actually really like Carter and don' t think it is too much with your last name.

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  • jhenijheni member
    What about Chase? I like that or Connor. :-)
  • @Ali+Cee I love the name Carter! I think it sounds good with Clark too.

    A co-worker just had a little boy and named him Collin which I like and she has another little boy named Cameron. Just to throw a few others out there :) 
  • I really like Cameron!! I did read today though that boys who are named could-go-either-way names tend to have behavioral problems when they're in middle school?! So now I'm like OK.. we should name him Rex..  :))

    Keep in mind you could always call him Easton too if you don't love the alliteration! Love the name Easton! 
  • I like it!!!
  • Great suggestion to call him Easton @melewen. And that is interesting about the going-either way names having more behavioral problems. In that case, Rex does work lol
  • I think Carter Clark sounds lovely!!!
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