So after deciding we wanted the boy's initials to be the same as my husband's, we now cannot agree on a name that starts with a "C" to save our lives, except for one! We know the middle name will be Easton (my husbands).
How does Carter with the last name of Clark sound? Carter Easton Clark. I almost feel like it's too many "R"s (as I know nobody will use his middle name In life) and don't want to make it rough on the poor kid! We liked Carter and I literally just discovered tonight that it was my grandmother's maiden name.
We'll probably have another girl and then we'll really be SOL on names, but I wanted some honest feedback on that name because it's been nagging at me. Any help would be awesome ladies!
Re: Honest Opinions Please!
Also, you shouldn't probably post your name online. Especially since you told is your husbands name too.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
It won't be too bad choosing a C name for your chosen middle name and last name....good luck
My son's name is Quincy Cortez Quinn. So in school the teachers will call Quincy Quinn.
I typically don't mind giving my name bc seriously, type in Carol Clark into google and see what you get. But, I am just over the moon for alliteration when it works out! Then again, I'm a girl so I wonder if that makes a difference.
Love all these boys names! ;;)
Cameron Easton Clark
Casey Easton Clark
Goodluck! I haven't even thought about names yet lol still waitin to find out the sex. (12 weeks today) woot!
A friend of mine named her son that and I love it!!
And honestly... maybe it's just me... but I think either of those names would work for a girl too!
BFP #2 03/08/11 EDD 11/16/11 DD Born on 11/04/11
BFP #3 08/29/12 EDD 05/06/13 M/C on 08/30/12
BFP #4 11/01/12 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C on 12/28/12
BFP #5 04/30/13 EDD 01/03/14 DS Born on 01/02/14
BFP #6 01/11/15 EDD 09/22/15 M/C 03/09/15