September 2015 Moms

started bleeding for the first time

Hey I've started bleeding the other night for the first time went to the hospital they said blood count and ultra was great baby had good heart beat but can't tell me why I'm bleeding I started only spotting then this morning woke up and started bleeding again have this happen to anyone I'm on bed rest now I'm just now 12weeks

Re: started bleeding for the first time

  • That must be scary. I haven't had that happen but I'm saying a prayer for you. Keep us updated!
  • I know I would feel freaked out, too and I've luckily not had that issue, but I also know that a lot of women have this issue and I'm glad to hear the tests at the hospital all can back positive. My best friend (who i lovingly call a baby making machine since she's had 5 perfect pregnancies) told me that she bled off and on for the first five months with each pregnancy she's had!
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  • I had a subchronic hemorrhage and caused me to bleed off and on, i was on bed rest for a bit and then pelvis rest. At my 13 week ultrasound yesterday they confirmed my hemorrhage had dissolved . You could have a sensitive cervix as well. I am not trying to give medical advice just stating what i know from myself and other preggos that have gone through this recently. So happy your baby is doing well. There are lot's of people who experience bleeding in their first trimester and have perfectly healthy babies. Glad you are taking it easy. Drink plenty of water to!
  • Was it associated with sex?
    With my 2nd I spotted week 8
    With this baby, I spotted 5-7 and just had a massive bleed after sex 2 days ago.
    Had a total of 3 US and I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and bean is all good.
    With the bright red heavy bleed they told me if no pain or saturating more than 1 pad/hr don't despair.
  • Ugh... I bled a tiny amount today and I totally freaked (I am 14 weeks as of tomorrow and have had a seamless/healthy pregnancy up to this point). I immediately called my OB and she asked me a ton of questions and then reassured me that it is probably nothing to be concerned about. I only noticed blood in the toilet (1 drop) after peeing, and after wiping once, it was gone. Still, very scary. She just called me tonight to check in - so nice. Anyway, I read a ton online about bleeding during pregnancy and feel reassured, but it is still so scary :( I will go in tomorrow if I notice anything else...
  • I don't have any advice, but I'm hoping everything is okay.
  • I hope you and your little bean stay safe. Sending prayers your way!
  • I also started bleeding at almost 8weeks! Blood counts + sonar showed everything was fine after bleeding heavily for about 12hours. Yesterday i was 12weeks and went for first checkup, everything was perfectly fine. According to the dr i started bleeding because of the hcg hormones multiplying so quickly. Hope this makes u feel better.
  • Not sure if this is applicable to you but! My sister was 12 weeks and she started bleeding - I don't mean just spotting. After a trip to the ER, ultrasound, pelvic exam and a visit to her doctor - they determined she had a cervical polyp. It is not hurting the baby but it will bleed occasionally which is awfully unnerving but baby is totally fine! I hope that everything is ok and keep us posted. 
  • I didn't have bleeding with my first so when I started bleeding at 10 weeks with my current, I freaked the f*ck out!  The doctor at the triage said this was all very normal and that if it was a true miscarriage, there would be non stop bleeding with golf ball sized clots. 

    Anyways, I get how scary it is (no one wants to see blood coming out of that area when pregnant) so just focus on the positive u/s.  And try not to stress out too much (as if that's possible) because that will only cause problems for your health as well as the babies. 

  • So sorry to read this; I'm sending you best wishes. This hasn't happened to me, but apparently it's very common, and hearing the heartbeat at the hospital is reassuring :)
  • Thanks so much everything is great stop bleeding next ultra is Friday I'm excited
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