Hi everyone! FTM and poster here! I'm 13 weeks along, feeling great, and very excited for this new adventure! I need some advice on a situation with a friend. I'm starting to think about a baby shower since my sister-in-law and a few close friends already reached out to host one (very grateful!) I live in Maryland and most of my family and closest friends live in Florida. I will be down in Florida for a wedding in July. I'm a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding on July 11. We have been friends for 13 years. This same friend is having her spa resort bachelorette party for 3 days before the wedding. I will be attending all events and have put forth over $1000 towards the bridesmaid costs so far (dress, shoes, bachelorette party, hair/makeup, etc), not including bridal shower and wedding gifts. I'm a dedicated bridesmaid and when I first got pregnant after 2 years of trying I told my friend just in case she would be uncomfortable with me still being in the wedding. She seemed excited for me at the time and didn't seem worried about me being in the wedding. My husband and I were thinking of driving down 4th of July weekend and having the baby shower on July 5th. My husband really loves being involved and we both want a coed shower since we share so many close friends in Florida. We really don't know when else we will both be able to make it down to Florida again together prior to my due date in September due to cost of flights and inability to travel.
Anyways, my friend who is getting married is really upset by this date because it is the weekend before her wedding. She is worried about having little time to pack for her honeymoon and complete last minute tasks related to her wedding since her bachelorette is occurring the days leading up to her wedding. She said she doesn't think she will be able to make it on Sunday, July 5th and brought up changing the date. I am trying to be understanding, but this is a big event in my life, too...and a baby shower is literally 3-4 hours time on one day. I feel that she is being unsupportive, especially since I have been nothing short of supportive, monetarily and emotionally, for her wedding day. To top it off, she doesn't work (not judging) and spends all her time planning this wedding. I am hurt that her excuse for not attending is that it will cut into her honeymoon packing time. If I didn't live so far away, I would of course accommodate changing the date, but I don't know if I can due to my situation. Am I being unreasonable or a bad friend? TIA!
Re: Baby shower a week before friend's wedding
Don't make more drama by starting a fight. Just focus on the people who are committing to attend and tell her you'll catch up with her at the bachelorette. She may change her mind after she thinks things through and she realizes the whole world can't stop for her wedding.
When's she back from her honeymoon, if she decided to pout like a baby and pretend she needs more than three days to pack and doesn't show for you shower... then tell her what you thought and how that hurt you.
Your plan sounds perfect and well thought out (with you being selfless and always thinking about your friend's happenings) so... Shame on her!! Seriously, I would have already told her off, if that was my friend! I'm serious too haha
Best of luck to you, I hope you have the very very best baby shower with or without her. Although, that being said, I sincerely hope she sees the error of her ways and sets herself straight before then, because she is being ridiculous.