I am new here

I am due 9/11/15. 7th pregnancy and hopefully third living child. My son and daughter were borm at 36&35 weeks amd son had a long nicu stay with a lot of breathing problems that still affect him. I went Tuesday to see a mfm and genetic specialists and they will have my ob start the 17P shots weekly to prevent preterm labor in 3 weeks (
@16weeks) This will go until 36 weeks. Does anyone have experience with this? With my daughter we stopped preterm labor with magnesium ivs and bedrest at 32 weeks until my appendix burst at 36 weeks. With my son I was on tributaline and some other awful pill at 32 weeks following steroid shots and preterm labor until I had a partial rupture at 35 weeks. Both emergency verticle csections.
Re: new to group.... 17P shots anyone?
Edited for spelling