September 2015 Moms

Anyone else?

Excited that everything looked good at our 12 week appt, can't believe that our 18 week u/s where we get to find out gender is just over a month away! Time seems to be flying for me this pregnancy. Anyone else feeling this way?

Re: Anyone else?

  • I don't know about flying by lol. But I am super excited that I'll be able to schedule my anatomy ultrasound at my next appointment on the 19th. I can't wait to find out what we're having so I can start buying stuff.
  • I scheduled my anatomy scan yesterday and it seemed unreal. This pregnancy is going so quickly.
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  • @blondehairblueeyeditalianbaby that is so exciting. How far along are you?
  • I also scheduled my anatomy scan yesterday.  I'll find out in 2 weeks the gender due to screening.  If it's a girl I'm going to be so darn excited.  If it's a boy, fine too, I'll start ribbing my husband on how it's up to him after the baby is born.  It will sure be neat seeing him teach a son how to be a man etc.  
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