September 2015 Moms

Dumb things people say/do

I know people "mean well" but what are some of the ridiculous things people have said or done? I get you are going to be huge or your going to end up in bed rest I'm glad it's not me etc etc...., GRR!!!!!!

Re: Dumb things people say/do

  • I'm 11 weeks, short and 118lbs and have quite the bloat bump. Every one is telling me how cute my little bump is. 2 weeks ago a girl even touched my belly!!!
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  • My HUSBAND would say (referring to our beach trip in late June when I'll be about 27 weeks...) "You will be so swelled up you will not want to do anything!!"

    I finally got the point across that saying it that way was NOT okay. Bless him!
  • I've been getting "you're gonna be huge!". Someone said they knew by a pic I posted ( umm I was like 2 weeks preggo at the time)... DH's Aunt said " Can you believe she's finally gonna be FAT!?" My mom was with me for that one and she's the one that mentioned to me how rude it was, so I know it wasn't just my PG hormones running wild. DH said it was a compliment bc I usually workout a lot and try to stay fit... I didn't see it that way lol
  • My older sister told me I was "dumb as hell for starting over after 16 years.."
  • I'm a hair stylist and I remember when i was pregnant with my son an older client telling me "well you definitely can't color your hair anymore. Any doctor will tell you that." I just rolled my eyes behind her back and smiled. my hair proceeded to be at least 4 different colors during that 9 month stretch.
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  • My husbands grandma said, "eating chips are bad for you", and told my daughter that she wasn't gonna be the princess anymore since I was having a baby. I told her that the doc didn't say I couldn't have chips, & not to be telling my daughter were gonna love her any less. My daughter is super excited to be a big sister and I don't want her to take that excitement away from her. Some people are just ignorant. Ugh.
  • I get "ohhhh your going to be pregnant for the entire summer. I feel bad for you." Women who have been pregnant themselves try to pull that "I feel bad for you" stunt. Its very fake & annoying. Being cold & pregnant is probably just as intense as being hot & pregnant. I just look at them & smile. I decided to not feed into negative people.
  • I get "ohhhh your going to be pregnant for the entire summer. I feel bad for you." Women who have been pregnant themselves try to pull that "I feel bad for you" stunt. Its very fake & annoying. Being cold & pregnant is probably just as intense as being hot & pregnant. I just look at them & smile. I decided to not feed into negative people.

    I'm a summer person anyway but being pregnant in the summer didn't bother me. I drank a lot of ice water and ate a lot of Popsicles. Lol

  • Same here @tresjoliefemme I'm sure most of them don't mean any harm, but it is strange that something negative is the first thing that comes to their mind. A summer pregnancy doesn't have to be bad. This is my first, but I just tell people straight out, "Don't feel sorry for me, I'm not a wimp, I can handle a little heat." And no one ever takes it beyond that. I'm sure it will be hot and miserable some days, but we'll survive. 
  • Yes!!! We will be "cool" moms to be this summer.
  • My coworkers keep telling me what to eat/drink and not to eat/drink.
    It drives me crazy. Its not their baby I'm carrying and I'm taking good care of my child and me.
  • First thing everyone says is: oh no how awful that will will go through our crazy hot summer and be huge and pregnant the whole time!!!

    I'm like, thanks? Lol
  • I was 7 months pregnant with my first. I was due in August and we live in the South. Our best friends had an in ground pool and we were due the same time. I would go swimming everyday to help cool off. I had a few people tell me "I shouldn't be swimming because the baby can drown." I still never came up with a really good comeback to it because the sheer stupidity of it always shocked me. And and not to ride the lawn mower and mow the grass.

    And we cloth diaper and all the idiots who turned their noses up at me when I mentioned it. It is like anything else it has evolved over time and isn't what it was in the 70s and 80s.
  • @Jamilla9 That is the second time I've seen popsicle today. I couldn't take it anymore and got one. 8 inches of snow be damned!  :))
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  • Me TOO! I'm a summer person and I would rather be fully preggo in the summer than freezing in the winter. Think of all the lovely swimming we'll get to do! I can't wait to swim around with a full baby belly.
  • Oh I almost forgot my favorite was it planned or when they find out I'm having twins did you use fertility treatments?!
  • My husband said "I don't want to share a birthday." As if I can control that?
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  • I get "ohhhh your going to be pregnant for the entire summer. I feel bad for you." Women who have been pregnant themselves try to pull that "I feel bad for you" stunt. Its very fake & annoying. Being cold & pregnant is probably just as intense as being hot & pregnant. I just look at them & smile. I decided to not feed into negative people.

    I live in's always summer here. Haha. I've been hot since day one, admittedly, but it's certainly not the worst experience I be ever had.
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  • blizmark said:

    The other night I was showing my husband how bloated I am, and a few minutes later he says, "So... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but... what do you want to do for after the baby is born for... starting a routine... for working out?" Ladies, if looks could kill, he would have been dead right there! Hands down the worst thing anyone has said to me ever! Remind me again why men are necessary haha :)

    Hahaha, oh my gosh, my silly husband said something similar, and I thought I was gonna kill him on the spot. LOL! But to answer your question about why they're necessary...we're already pregnant..they no longer are! Can we send them all underground somewhere? ;) hahahaha!! Just kidding. Love my hubby man. <3
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  • With my last pregnancy I was so sick in the beginning that I lost some weight, and my husband was like, "wow, you look really good!".  I told him, "you idiot, that's, like, bulemia."

    This time I'm really sick again but not losing as much weight, thankfully.  I'm actually getting pretty fat already and I don't care.  Better than looking emaciated!  Plus, this is the last time I'm doing this, so whatever.  Bring on the Doritos.
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  • I love when people tell me I shouldn't lift things.....because what if I have a 1st off that's a horrible thing to insinuate...Secondly my dr. Is fine with me lifting weights like I always have so I'm fine thanks. I was also told my face looked that's not even commenting on my bloat....that's just saying I've gained weight....thanks. I hate the lifting comments......I asked my husband why he didn't worry about my lifting. He said because you are very cautious and I figured if you thought it was safe it was okay...Thank god for my husband!
  • I also hate all of the just you wait comments and complaining about babies or pregnancy....I want to be pregnant....I know it's not all glamorous but I'm ready to embrace it all!
  • I found out I was pregnant at about 2 or 3 weeks and I wanted my dad to be the first to know because he's my closest family. When I came and told my dad he said "i know" i said, what do you mean? And his reply was, " well your gaining weight around your belly and your butt and that's how your sisters was." I asked him why he said that and he was like "well it's ok to gain weight, you're in your 2nd trimester right?" I was so sad..... but we laugh about it now. Gotta love him. My husband thought it was hilarious!
  • My teenage stepdaughter replied, "I bet it's going to be a girl!" Right after I expressed how much I want a son. Granted we have 6 girls and 4 of those are my husband's, but no need to piss on my hopes for a boy. I just felt like it was rude because she continued to try and argue with me about it. At that time I was hoping I'd have twin boys just to rub it in anyone's face who was set in me having another girl. It's spiteful, I know, but I was seriously bugged.
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