September 2015 Moms

The spins at night

I'm just about 11 weeks and recently have been having the spins at night when I go to sleep. So bizarre! Anyone else have this issue or know why it's happening?

Re: The spins at night

  • I had a few bad episodes of dizziness a week ago...I called the dr and she had me drink more water (a lot more) and I switched when I took my prenatal vits to night it helped a ton! I really hope you don't have this much longer! Good luck!
  • @cjstats87 I take my prenatal's at night but maybe I'm not drinking enough water I'll have to try that. Thank you!
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  • awsmallzawsmallz member
    edited March 2015
    Could be low blood pressure,low blood sugar,dehydration.. do you sleep on your back at night? I read that if you lay on your back for too long the weight of the baby presses on your vena cava "a vein that carries blood from your lower body to your heart" and it can make you dizzy.I'm 11 weeks 6 days and even though I'm in the first trimester I've noticed when I lay on my back for awhile I get heart palpitations and breathlessness but when I turn to the side I'm fine.
    I'd give your doctor a call if it's really worrying you,hope you feel better :)
  • @awsmallz mhmm that's interesting. I tend to sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs haha only way I can get comfortable. But sometimes I have to sleep on my back bc my arms have been going numb recently.
  • awsmallzawsmallz member
    edited March 2015
    @ehgmorse that's the one thing I hate about sleeping on my side... I never know where to put the arm I'm laying on! It almost always falls asleep and I've been having to ball up the covers and have them between my legs cause I can't stand my knees touching haha
    Sleeping while pregnant...challenge accepted lol
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