September 2015 Moms

Cramps and discharge? TMI details...

I am at week 13. Lately I have noticed random cramping/wierd pains along with "snotty" discharge sometimes, otherwise just wet discharge. I'm not having any blood, however when I went to the restroom today there was very very very light color on the tp. I don't know if it was pink or brown, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me too. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this anything to worry about?! Thank you!

Re: Cramps and discharge? TMI details...

  • So, TMI, but my discharge has been heavy. I don't remember this from my first pregnancy. I asked the doctor about it and besides keeping clean down there so you don't get irritation there isn't much to do. I read online that it is part of the cervix getting ready AND that it gets worse after 11 weeks, I really hope not. I've had some light spotting as well, but it has gotten better. You can always ask you OB if you are worried. 
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  • Thank you for the info!!! This is my first baby and I'm not sure what to expect! I think if it continues I will call my dr. I just didn't know what was "normal" growing pains and what wasn't! Thanks again! Hope yours lightens up!
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  • While I am not experiencing this at the moment, I read Belly Laughs, and the chapter covering this subject is called Niagra Falls. :) I think some discharge is normal.
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  • I think this is normal and I've been experiencing more discharge and some random cramping. Of course, if you're worried, call and ask your OB. I promise they're so used to answering all sorts of questions! With my first I was worried the nurse would stop taking my calls because I was always calling with some off the wall question. 

    I love Jenny McCarthy's book, she refers to it as you "snail trail". 

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  • I have been experiencing this and I saw my Dr. She did a wet prep and it only showed very mild BV. She said it was normal and should slow down in a few weeks. Panty liners save the day
  • @cakes27 "snail trail" made me gag
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