September 2015 Moms

The website -

so has anyone else had any trouble logging into the bump website after only using it so far on the app?

I've sent them emails asking why I couldn't log in with the same info or why I wasn't getting a password change email but nothing.

I don't get it. Does anyone have any ideas why it won't let me...?

Re: The website -

  • Huh..I haven't had a single issue with it. A lot of days I've logged into the website and the app stays up and logged in on my phone. Any chance you changed passwords or anything when you made the app and are forgetting? I hope they get back to you soon!
  • I did on my work computer. I've only been using mobile. I did not email them because I thought it might be my work blocking the bump. It says error when I try to log in on a desktop.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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