September 2015 Moms

Heartburn HELP!

Im suffering with pretty bad heartburn today. I've tried tums but they haven't worked at all. Any suggestions please please help.

Re: Heartburn HELP!

  • I use Pepcid AC, and it sounds crazy, but pickle juice actually helps too haha!
  • I had it horribly with my first. I started taking Zantac almost daily
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  • Zantac is safe , if it's really bad your dr can prescribe previcid
  • Thanks so much ladies. I have cucumbers and yogurt so I'll try that tonight. I'm going to the dr on thurs so I'll ask about getting a prescription
  • I use Zantac and Tums. I tried Pepcid but it made me nauseous and gave me a headache. My heartburn is worst after dinner. Taking Zantac an hr after dinner helped me a lot more than taking it before dinner. Then I just take a couple of Tums before bed.
  • There are also teas for it! I've heard the Earth Mama Angel Baby heartburn tea works wonders for some women, I haven't tried it though so I can't speak from experience. Just if you want to attempt to go med free, if not, like other posters said Zantac is 100% safe :)
  • It sounds SO gross (and kind of is), but take a small shot of Apple cider vinegar and chase with water. My severe heartburn disappeared in a matter of minutes, after severe pain for several days. This was recommended by my naturopathic physician. Get the good Apple cider vinegar that comes in the glass bottle. You can also make a drink with a mixture of the vinegar, water, and honey and drink that. It smells gross but actually tastes pretty good. Good luck! I have been heartburn free for a whole week now!
  • I second the apple cider vinegar. Also, try a digestive enzyme with every meal. Plus cut down your fat intake and up your soluble fibre (like oatmeal).
  • This sounds nuts, but a spoonful of yellow mustard totally kills heartburn! It is the only thing that helped with my first pregnancy, now I use it all the time.
  • Anything vinegar based helps lower the oh of your tummy...I tend to lean toward pickles...just make sure you don't mix it with too much milk/dairy bc it causes sour stomach too! Ugh!

    Can't wait for heartburn threads when we are 30+ weeks!!! Lol!!
  • Mint tea helped me a lot, and Perrier water. Everyone is different though, hope you figure out what works soon :)
  • It did help. I was actually able to sleep that night. Thank you
  • Not necessarily healthy, but my sister-in-law said milkshakes helped with her heartburn.
  • Rhill30 said:

    Awesome! I'm glad it helped. Hopefully your dr can give you some prevacid too:)

    @sunshine620. It's the dairy in the milkshake that helps:)

    Oh yea. Knew it was the dairy, but if it gives you an excuse to grab a milkshake then go for it. ;-)
  • I had nonstop heart burn with my second during the second trimester.  Everyone told me the baby would have a lot of hair.  lol

    My dh and mom swear by drinking apple cider vinegar or eating some yellow mustard on a spoon.  I'm not sure if you could stomach that or if it works, but they say it does.

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  • This is probably a "duh" kind of thing, but I've started sleeping more upright, kind of rigging pillows so my head and upper body is raised more, and it helps a ton. Only way I've been able to sleep without terrible heartburn. I think I'm going to buy one of those wedge pillows.

    P.S. Thanks to those who recommended the vinegar, going to give that a shot!
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