I was really hoping the nausea and fatigue would fade soon, but they appear to be getting worse. I'm taking the max dose of Diclegis. Is this ever going away or am I just one of those unlucky people with nausea the whole pregnancy?
I'm sorry you're still dealing with nausea. As PP said her's went away at 22 weeks & with my first mine went away about the same time. So there is hope! I hope you feel better soon.
I'm sorry your still feeling so crappy. My first pregnancy I was sick the entire pregnancy it was horrible...probably the reason it took me 13 years to go thru it again. Hoping you get some relief soon.
Nothing stays down at all. I was hoping it would be better instead of worse. My fiancé keeps apologizing like it is all his fault. I hope you feel better soon.
I turned 12 weeks yesterday and it got bad first time actually puking and it lasted from 133 am to 6 am on and off it socks nothing stays down but water I've been in bed all day I keep telling myself this too shall pass
14 weeks today and could toss my cookies at any moment. I remember starting to feel better at 12 weeks with DS but so far this little bit isn't giving up!
I feel your pain! Right before 12w I actually started to feel better and got a little cocky I guess because now at 13w I am miserable again! Nauseous but starving all day/night long!!! Thinking of you ladies and hoping everyone feels relief sooner than later.
I really didn't feel all that bad until I hit 13 weeks, and it just went to heck from there! Never got sick the first 13 weeks, been sick two or three times in the last week. Fatigue has gotten slightly worse, but the nausea is about to drive me crazy. I hope this is short-lived....for all of us!
Re: 13 + 3 w pregnant- nausea and fatigue worsening