I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I'll be 14 weeks! I'm hoping the doctor will be able to determine the sex since she was my BFFs doctor and found out the gender at 14 weeks also!
I have an ultrasound tomorrow too!!! We are having twins but we are not going to find out the gender!!! I'm so excited I can't wait to see them!! I am 13 weeks.
My first ultrasound is tomorrow! 11wks, so I don't think I'll have any chance of a gender, but that's okay, I just want to make sure there's actually a little one in there who's doing well Hope yours was great!
Ultrasound went great! Baby looked good and was moving around like crazy. No sex yet, of course, but that was okay. I was just really amazed at how developed it looked already and how active they were! I gotta say, it was pretty darn cute
Re: Ultrasound tomorrow
Let us know how it goes!! xx