September 2015 Moms


Anyone else prescribed anti-depressants during this pregnancy? I have a history of depression, and I was prescribed anti-depressants prior to conception. I have not been taking medication since finding out I'm pregnant, but I am really down these days.

How do I choose between being happy (hopefully) with the help of Prozac (found to be safe during pregnancy), or abstaining from it from fear the medication may have an unforeseen side effect?

In terms of emotional support, I have it. Not everyone's peachy (jealous cousin and an absent sister), but my husband and two sons get me through the day. My patents are over-the-moon excited. And I have you ladies (I'm here for support and friendship, not drama)!

I do fully welcome everyone's opinion on the topic. I am eager to know if anyone has actually heard of negative effects from Prozac. I know that my doctor (well respected) has recommended it for me, and it's at the pharmacy ready to be picked up. Ultimately, it is my decision. I guess I'm just curious how others Moms would feel about it.

Re: Prozac?

  • I have really bad panic attacks n depression I'm taking Paxil for that I just lowered the doze cus I'm afraid idk if my baby is going to b OK but I can't stop taking it because of my anxiety ugh my obgyn told me not to stop so I'm just doing what they told me.
    Good luck sweetie I hope u make the right decision for u n ur baby :)
  • Prozac is proven safe. I was off my meds (Prozac & Lamictal) before pregnancy due to no insurance. They told me the Prozac would be ok to start again but they don't want me on my bipolar meds unless absolutely necessary...they suggested therapy instead so I'm doing that weekly to help. So I'm sans meds right now and it's rough here and there but overall things are ok. 13w3d , I have my moments but with the therapy and support from my hubby things are going well enough. Hang in there and you aren't alone!
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  • I'm glad I'm not on this boat alone! I wish you both the best!
  • I'm on Prozac, too. It's a low dose and my doctor is suggesting that I go off it once I reach the third trimester, but in the first two trimesters it's absolutely safe. It's awesome that you have such a great support system, but even the best emotional support can't always overcome depression. It's easy to overlook our own health for the sake of the baby, but please take care of yourself, too. If you really don't want to take Prozac (and that's a valid choice, too), maybe consider counseling? Hang in there!
  • I started on the Prozac today. Hoping to feel better soon. Thank you all for your responses. I really do feel a sense of support here on The Bump!
  • I was in Prozac for 3 years before conceiving. I'm going to stay off it. I believe there can be some withdrawal issues with baby if you take it during the third trimester, but nothing serious. I go off of it because I get this weird reprieve from depression during my pregnancies. I don't know what it is, the hormones or something, but it's just not an issue. I'll be back on it soon after birth though because post-partum's a bitch for me.
  • Your doctor has probably weighed the pros and cons and decided that staying on the medication is safest for you. I completely understand not wanting to take it, I felt the exact same way my last pregnancy but your mental health is SO important! Good luck!!
  • May be too late but my friend was on these and her Dr told her to take lots of folic acid (like 4x usual amount) with her pills for first trimester and maybe second. A lot of foods have it so I dont think you need to take it by pills....but folic acid helps protect baby. It's most impt. Weeks 1-14.
  • I was on Prozac for years found Celexa is better for me however it's only 12 hours long so I have found I have to take 2 hang in there everyone medicine is there to help not hurt its ok to take it
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