Anyone else prescribed anti-depressants during this pregnancy? I have a history of depression, and I was prescribed anti-depressants prior to conception. I have not been taking medication since finding out I'm pregnant, but I am really down these days.
How do I choose between being happy (hopefully) with the help of Prozac (found to be safe during pregnancy), or abstaining from it from fear the medication may have an unforeseen side effect?
In terms of emotional support, I have it. Not everyone's peachy (jealous cousin and an absent sister), but my husband and two sons get me through the day. My patents are over-the-moon excited. And I have you ladies (I'm here for support and friendship, not drama)!
I do fully welcome everyone's opinion on the topic. I am eager to know if anyone has actually heard of negative effects from Prozac. I know that my doctor (well respected) has recommended it for me, and it's at the pharmacy ready to be picked up. Ultimately, it is my decision. I guess I'm just curious how others Moms would feel about it.
Re: Prozac?
Good luck sweetie I hope u make the right decision for u n ur baby