September 2015 Moms

Let's show our SO's, husbands, men some love

I know they have done a good deed or two lately, let's celebrate them today! What has your done?
Mine, while I was returning a belly band I didn't want and opted to get some new underwear from Motherhood, he told me to get some summer clothes and brought me two maxi dresses, and 3 pairs of light weight pants! I didn't even ask, he kept encouraging me to try things on!

Re: Let's show our SO's, husbands, men some love

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  • My fiance is working 2 jobs because he didn't want me to look for another job after being laid off in January. We also just moved February 1st, so he wants me to rest and told me I deserve not to worry about working and although he'll never ever force me to go back to work, he would like it if I never went back. He is absolutely incredible in every way.
  • @veronica121679, my husband is also encouraging me to stay home and not go back to work. He's working OT to provide for us. I've always worked so this is different for me. So sweet that he cares that much!
  • Mine is doing virtually everything around the house and with the kids.  I am so grateful for this because I'm pretty darn sick.
    Laura, mom of:
    James (14)
    William (13)
    Elise (11)
    Zachary (5)
    George (3) [making the blog private.  PM me if you want to subscribe]
  • Hubby has been great. Better than I could ask for. He gets up early so that he can make me breakfast before he goes to work, makes dinner and takes care of the kids and He tries to clean the best he can.
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