So I am 11 weeks 1 day today and I just had my first doctors appointment! Previously I'd only had a meeting with a nurse and basic blood work. This is my second pregnancy, and I am very low risk. Today with the doppler a nurse found our little bugs heart beat tucked wayyyyyyy into my right side at 170 bpm. It was wonderful and almost had me crying. Then we got to meet our assigned doctor (it's a large practice) who, thank god, was AMAZING! He had great bedside manner and was not only supportive about me not wanting pitocin in during labor, but seemingly thrilled about the fact that I absolutely did not want any unnecessary surgeries, including a c-section and surgery for my chronic sciatica. He even managed to make my pap smear more comfortable then ever before. OH man! AND he was pro-doula (which is very important to me as a doula in training!)
Any way, my boyfriend was happy that I was happy and liked the doc as well. He was less then thrilled about the high heart rates association with female babies (lol)
On a less positive note I am concerned about making enough money once this little bug arrives. I don't really want to go back to work after 6 weeks because not only is breastfeeding extremely important to me, but I just don't trust infant daycare. Even the 'good ones'. I want my baby to have as much one on one bonding time with ME and DADDY as possible. Not sitting in a bouncy seat surrounded by strangers. Idk, am i being ridiculous? with stuff like THIS: happening i just... ugh.
Any way, I don't make a lot of money as it is, but it is still crucial to our finances as far as I can tell. I just don't know what to do. Any advice ladies?
(p.s. i know this was lengthy. thank you for reading.)
TL;DR heard the heart rate for first time. 170bpm yey! wish I could work from home somehow after baby is born.
Re: Happy Doctors Appointment! (and financial worries...)
If there is a will, there is a way. You have to weigh what is most important to you and then find a way to make it work. Good luck!