Pretty disappointed about today's appointment bc I didn't have an ultrasound
I know that I might not get one every appointment but at my last appointment they told me I'd be getting one done today. And even after giving my urine sample and getting weighed and blood pressure checked she said "go ahead and have a seat in the waiting room, the ultrasound tech will be with you shortly!"
They called me in and took me to an exam room and she said "I'm sorry, I didnt realize there was a note here that your insurance wont cover an ultrasound unless we cant find the heartbeat with a doppler so we have to do that first." And I am so so SO grateful we found bub's heartbeat! It was in the 160s! But I still cant help but be bummed I didnt get to see him/her. Next ultrasound wont be until 20 weeks!
Oh well, we also did the blood draw for the panorama blood test today so soon I will know the sex of the baby!
Re: Todays DR appt.